
Check List for Extension of Recognition of Madrasahs

Madrasah Education, 👁️ 1079

This is to inform that at the time of Extension of Recognition, the Madrasah authority concerned will have to comply the 15 (fifteen) points of the checklist which is enclosed herewith for their convenience.

West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education
‘Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Bhavan’
DD-45, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

Memo No.: 144/UNA/19 Date: 20/02/2019

From: The Secretary,
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Bhavan
DD-45, Sector-I, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064

The …………………….
District ……………………..

Subject:- Extension of Recognition of the Recognised Unaided Madrasah.

As per decision of the Recognition Committee of the West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education on 28.12. 18 the under signed hereby informs all the Recognised Unaided Madrasah Authorities that at the time of Extension of Recognition the Madrasah authority concerned will have to comply the 15 (fifteen) points of the checklist which is enclosed herewith for their convenience. The checklist may be collected from the Board office or may be downloaded from the website of the Board (www.wbbme.org).

Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education


Name of the Un-aided Madrasah: ……………………………………………………………………
INDEX NO.: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Vill: …………………………………………. PO: ………………………………………….
Block: ………………………………………… Sub-Divn.: ……………………………………
District: ………………………. State: …………………………………….. PIN: ………….
Contact Mobile No.: Head of the Madrasah …………………………… Secretary: …………………..
Classes taught: From ………………. to …………….. Status of Madrasah: Boys/ Girls/ Coeducational

Sl. NoParticularsActions to be taken
1A declaration jointly signed by the Secretary and Head of the Madrasah is to be submitted in the following format:“We do hereby declare that We shall abide by all rules, regulations, notifications, circulars and orders issued by the State Government or by the West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education, as the case may be, from time to time”
2Whether there are at least a female teacher and a female Gr.-D staff in the Madrasah, if it is a Co-Educational? If not, the same shall be recruited in the 1st available opportunity.Yes/No If no, a declaration is to be submitted stating that a female teacher and a female Gr.-D staff are to be appointed in the first available opportunity
3Whether Accounts of the Madrasah are carefully maintained and are being audited annually?Yes/No If yes, copy of last 02 (two) years audit report is to be submitted. If not, a declaration is to be submitted.
4Whether the Madrasah has discontinued its affiliation with a Board/ University if any, after Recognition by the West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education?Yes/No
5Last 03 year’s total enrolmentYear ……. = Boys …… Girls ……. Total ……
Year ……. = Boys ……. Girls ……. Total ……
Year ……. = Boys ……. Girls ……. Total ……
6Whether there are qualified teachers and non-teaching staff as per existing staff pattern?Yes/No (Copy of M.C approved Staff Pattern is to be submitted)
7Whether the Madrasah is following the curricula and syllabi of the WBBME?Yes/No
8Whether there is reserve fund of at least Rs. 3,000/- (three thousand rupees) in the name of the Madrasah?Yes/No If yes, necessary documents is to be submitted.
9Whether Managing Committee has been constituted?Yes/No If yes, (i) The list of members with name and designation is to be submitted (ii) A report on what basis the M.C. has been constituted? If not, a declaration is to be submitted.
10The class-wise Fees structure for the students of each year is to be submitted (for consecutive last three years).Consecutive last three years’ report is to be submitted.
11Whether Copy of Service Rules/ Leave Rules etc. for the staff duly attested by the Head of the Madrasah have been submitted to the Board?Yes/No (If yes, A copy of the same is to be submitted with the prayer of extension of recognition. If not, a declaration is to be submitted.)
12Whether there is sanctioned building plan, in each case whether owned or rented, duly attested by the Secretary and Head of the Madrasah?Yes/No (If yes, A copy of the same must be submitted with the prayer of extension of recognition. If not, a declaration is to be submitted.)
13Land Records of ownership, Registered lease Deed or rent receipt/ contract are to be submitted. (Rent receipt etc., be made in the name of the Institution as soon as after recognition)Documents/Papers is to be submitted.
14(i)Photograph of the building of the existing Madrasah.Photograph is to be submitted.
14(ii)A photograph of the students and teachers performing prayer song at the beginning /starting of the Madrasah.Photograph is to be submitted.
15Recognition Fees of Rs.500/- is to be submitted.Document is to be submitted.

Signature of the Secretary of the Madrasah
With Seal & date

Signature of the Head of the Madrasah
With Seal & date

Sd/- Deputy Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

144-UNA dated 20.02.2019

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