I am directed to inform you that the number of Children With Special Needs (CWSN) who are going to appear for Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E), 2022 is much more.
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Nivedita Bhavan, DJ-8, Sector-II, Saltlake, Kolkata-700091
Phone No. 2321-3844, Fax- 2321-321
No. D.S. (C) /027/22 Date: 03/02/2022
The Head of All recognized X Class Schools authorized
to send up candidates for Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E.), 2022
Sub: Information for processing of Application Forms for enrollment of Regular candidates of the Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E.), 2022 and submission of requisition form to avail the board facility so has been prescribed for the Children With Special Needs, who are going to appear Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E), 2022
Ref: The earlier circular as has been issued from this office , vide, Circular No.: EMU/C/15/A, Dated: 30.11.2021
Madam /Sir,
With reference to the above, I am directed to inform you that the number of Children With Special Needs (CWSN) who are going to appear for Madhyamik Pariksha (S.E), 2022 is much more (so have been noticed from latest UDISE report) than that of such candidates who have applied for getting the Board Accommodation prescribed (like Amanuensis/ extra time/ sign language interpreters etc) by the Board for such group of children. This implies that there may have been many candidates, who are in need of that support but the requisition for the same have yet to be received by the Board from the targeted schools.
In this context, your attention is drawn on the matter and you are hereby requested to reexamine the same for your school and to submit the additional requisition for the sme (if any) within 28.02.2022 positively to the Board so that admissible Board accommodation in the tune of RPWD Act, 2016 out of accommodations have so far been prescribed by WBBSE (as per enclosed Annexure-1) can be extended to all of them who are in need of that but the requisition for the same have yet not been shared with Board for availing such facilities.
This may kindly be treated as urgent.
Sd/- Mausumi Banerjee (Bhadra)
Deputy Secretary (Examination)
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
No. DS-027 dated 03.02.2022, Source
Accommodation offered to the CWSN by WBBSE as of now in the tune of Accommodation offered under RPWD Act, 2016
Sr. No | Classification of Provision | Accommodations/ Provisions offered by WBBSE |
1 | Scheduling accommodations (Adjustments to the time allowance or scheduling of test through extended and/or compensatory time) | Allow extra time for completion of exams |
2 | Presentation accommodations (adjustments to the presentation of test material and/or test directions) | Allow the usage of a magnifying glass |
Provision of Access sign language interpreters | ||
Provision of Reader to read the question paper in case a student with disability does not want scribe facility, and mentioning the guidelines for the same (limiting the role of the reader only for reading the paper, qualifications of the reader shall be lower than class X) | ||
3 | Response accommodations (adjustments to the manner in which students respond to or answer test questions) | Allow the usage of sketch pens for writing exams for visually impaired candidates. |
4 | Provide alternative questions to the examinee of certain categoryโ of disabilities for drawing, diagrams & Maps. (Instructions of question papers are strictly to be followed) | |
5 | Provision of a scribe to write the answers/ interpreter | |
6 | Provide specific instructions regarding usage of a scribe (permission of changing the scribe, having different scribes for different exams, qualifications of the scribe, payment/ remuneration to the scribe, the party who bears the cost of appointing the scribe. Qualification of the scribe shall not be higher than Class IX. Scribes are not paid by the Board as the students are acted as amanuensis as noble work.) | |
7 | Use of care assistant (Paramedical staff can be availed) | |
8 | Setting accommodations (adjustments in the environment in which the testing normally occurs) | Make arrangements for different rooms, chairs, Table/Bench etc for certain categories of disability (physical impairment, spastic students) |
9 | Permission for the candidate to appear at Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination) in a hospital under supervision (In Special Cases and subject to confirmation for hospitalization) | |
10 | Other Accommodations (adjustments pertaining to subject flexibility, exam registration flexibility and granting marks)granting marks) | Waive registration and examination fees for certain categories. Viz. visually challenged & Hearing Impaired candidates |
11 | Admit him/her to the Madhyamik as a private candidate i.e. without attending an affiliated institution |
Sd/- Mausumi Banerjee (Bhadra)
Deputy Secretary (Examination)
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education