
Clarification on Implementation of CAS in Govt. Colleges

Higher Education, 👁️ 341

Clarifications regarding notional and actual date of effect of CAS/ Re-designation for the teachers, librarians of the Government & Government aided colleges in West Bengal.

Government of West Bengal
Education Directorate, Higher Education
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700091

Memo No – ED-403/2015 Date – 31/3/15

From: Dr N C Saha
Director of Public Instruction Government of West Bengal

To: Principal/Teacher-in-charge/Officer-in-charge
All Government/Govt. aided colleges of the State

Subject: Clarification on various aspects/modalities towards the implementation of CAS GO No – 922 Edn(CS) dated 14/11/2014 & 1262 Edn(A) dated 14/11/2014

In continuation of the Higher Education Department’s GO No – 922 Edn(CS) dated 14/11/2014 & 1262 Edn(A) dated 14/11/2014 regarding notional and actual date of effect of CAS/ Re-designation for the teachers, librarians of the Government & Government aided colleges in West Bengal, the undersigned is directed to issue the following clarifications for information and guidance of all concerned: –

Sl. NoPoints of Doubt/ QueryClarification(s)
1What is the cut-off date for completion of Refresher Course (R.C.) & Orientation program (O.P.) for incumbents whose promotion is due within 31st December 2013?The last date for completion of R.C. and/or O.P. as specified in UGC Order [No: 1-2/2009 ( EC/PS) Pt VIII dt 7.12.12] is 31st December 2013. The R.C. or O.P. against which one promotion has been awarded, shall not be counted for awarding the next promotion.
2What will be the modalities of promotion in respect of the above mentioned candidates whose screening has been done but proposal not yet submitted by college authority to the Education Directorate ?a) No further screening-meeting is required,b) For Government- Aided college: The college authority must submit proposal ( PBAS) along with specific G.B. resolution (in the prescribed format Annex D1) in addition to Part D, indicating the date from which notional fixation is due.

 c) Notional fixation will be given w.e.f. due date if he/she has fulfilled the API score of Part-B, Category- III. If not, it will be w.e.f. the date of fulfillment of the API score of Part- B, Category-III.

3What will be the modalities of promotion in respect of the above mentioned candidates whose screening has been done and proposal submitted by college authority to the Education Directorate?a) No further screening meeting is required,b) For Government- Aided college: The College Authority must submit proposal (PBAS) along with specific G.B. resolution (in the prescribed format: Annex D1) in addition to Part D, indicating the date from which notional fixation is due.

 c) Notional fixation will be given w.e.f. due date if he/she has fulfilled the API score of Part-B, Category- III. If not, it will be w.e.f. the date of fulfillment of the API score of Part- B, Category-III.

4What will be the period for which ACR for Government College Teachers/ Librarians/ Physical instructors is to be submitted?ACR for last three financial years from the due date of promotion is to be submitted.
5If the candidate has availed Study Leave under FDP/FIP, what will be the acceptable API score for Category -I & II?Subject to the condition that the study leave (any type) was approved by the competent authority and provided the candidate concerned has submitted a completion certificate with appropriate documents to justify the successful execution of study leave, requirement of the API score under Category I and Category II may be waived upon examination of the merits of each case.

Sd/- Dr. N C Saha
Director of Public Instruction
Government of West Bengal

No. ED-403 dated 31.03.2015

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