An officer drawing Non-practicing Allowance (N.P.A.) has opted for fixation of pay in the revised pay structure from a date other than 01.01.2016, whether the N.P.A. drawn on the date of option shall be taken into account?
Non-Practicing Allowance will be admissible @ 24% of revised basic pay for WBMES and Dental Service. It is 20% of revised basic pay for others with effect from 01.01.2020 after ROPA, 2019.
No. 759-F(P1)/FA/0/2M/134/19(N.B.)Pt. Dated, Howrah, the 17th February, 2020.
In continuation of this Department Memo. No. 6471-F(P2), dated 02.12.2019, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to clarify the following points on the W.B.S. (R.O.P.A.) Rules, 2019.
Points raised:
i) An officer drawing Non-practicing Allowance (N.P.A.) has opted for fixation of pay in the revised pay structure from a date other than 01.01.2016, whether the N.P.A. drawn on the date of option shall be taken into account for the purpose of rule 7(1)(b) of the said rules.
In both the cases N.P.A. actually drawn on the date of option to come under the revised pay structure shall be taken into account for the purpose of rule 7(1)(b) of the W.B.S. (R.O.P.A.) Rules, 2019 but the D.A. shall be calculated at the rate of 75% of such N.P.A.
ii) An officer was on Non-practicing term on 01.01.2016 and subsequently was on practicing term on the date of option which is other than 01.01.2016 and vice-versa. How the Dearness Allowance (D.A.) on N.P.A. shall be reckoned for the purpose of rule 7(1)(b) of the said rules.
Sd/- H. K. Dwivedi Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal