
Clarification regarding HRA to GDMOs under NRHM

Health, 👁️ 308

GDMOs and Specialists engaged under NRHM may stay in quarters of health department, if available, and no charges may be deducted from them in the interest of public services, till they are engaged on contract.

Government of West Bengal
Health & Family Welfare Department
National Rural Health Mission
Swasthya Bhawan, Sector – V
GN-29, Bidhannagar, Kolkata – 700 091

No. HFW/NRHM/215/2009/31, dated 03.01.2012

From: Dr. Reshmi Kamal, IAS
Addl. Mission Director, NRHM &
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

To: The Chief Medical Officer of Health & Secretary (All)
District Health & Family Welfare Samity

Sub: Clarification regarding deduction of HRA to GDMOs and Specialists under NRHM.


It has been brought to the notice of the undersigned that several hospital quarters meant for doctors are lying unutilized whereas GDMOs & Specialists engaged contractually under NRHM has to stay outside.

After careful consideration, it has been decided that GDMOs and Specialists engaged under NRHM may stay in quarters of health department, if available, and no charges may be deducted from them in the interest of public services, till they are engaged on contract.

All concerned may please be informed accordingly.

Yours faithfully,
Dr. Reshmi Kamal

HFW/NRHM/215 dated 03.01.2012, Source

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