
Class of 2nd year D.El.Ed Course – Notice to all DIET/ PTTI

School Education, , 👁️ 183

All DIETs/ PTTIs are requested to start the class of 2nd year D.El.Ed Course immediately on completion of the theoretical examination of part – I conducted by the WBBSE.

“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”, DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 1339/BPE/2013 Date: 03.09.2013


I am directed to request the heads of all the DIETs & PTTIs including Self-financed ones to start the classes for the 2nd year immediately on completion of the theoretical examination of part – I D.El.Ed course, conducted by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education, so that the norms of the NCTE: “There shall be at least two hundred working days each year exclusive of the period of examination and admission, out of which at least forty days shall be for practice teaching/skill development in nearby primary schools.” be maintained.

In such cases, students may be enrolled provisionally.

Sd/- Secretary

No. 1339-BPE dated 03.09.2013

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