The session 2012-2014 of 2-year D.El.Ed. Course closes on 30.06.2014. The students of the session 2012-2014 of 2-year D.El.Ed. Course need not be held in the classroom from 01.07.2014.
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091
No. 3382A/BPE/2014 Date: 27.06.2014
All concerned are hereby informed that the session 2012-2014 of the 2-year D.El.Ed. Course closes on the 30th day of June, 2014.
The students of the session 2012-2014 of the 2-year D.El.Ed. Course need not be held in the classroom from 01/07/2014. The heads of the Institutions may advise them to contact with the Institutions for subsequent notification regarding the holding of the Part-II Examination.
The students of the 1st year (2013-2015) should be provisionally admitted to the 2nd year session of the 2-year D. El. Ed. Course on the basis of the internal evaluation and performances, pending the 1st year examination conducted by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education, so that the minimum instructional/teaching days and other norms stipulated by the NCTE to maintain the quality be kept up.
The programme for theoretical and external practical examination for Part-I (2013-2015) and Part-II (2012-2014) will be notified shortly.
Sd/- Dr R C Bagchi