
Colour Scheme of New Metered Taxis approved by Transport Dte


Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
Paribahan Bhavan
12, R. N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata – 700001

No. 3112-WT/3M-50/2013 Date: 20.08.2013


In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 95(xviii) of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and in terms of Rule 88B of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, the Governor has been pleased to direct the Regional Transport Authorities of this State that the revised colour scheme for metered taxis will henceforth be as follows:

A. The colour of the new Metered Taxis shall henceforth be a combination of Navy Blue and White;

B. There will be one 10 cm Navy Blue band stretching from the headlight to backlight on both sides of the vehicle;

C. The words “TAXI” or “AC TAXI“, as the case may be, shall be inscribed in Navy Blue colour on the centre of the two rear doors of the vehicle, within a circle of 35 cm diameter having navy blue band of 3 cm width;

D. For non-AC Taxis, the size of the all letters of the word “TAXI“, shall be 6 x 6 cm and the letters shall be of equal sizes;

E. For AC Taxis, size of all the letters of the word “AC TAXI” shall be of 5 x 5 cm and in two rows while the letters shall be of equal sizes;

F. There shall be one display board (to be illuminated from inside for night times) on the top of the vehicle, just above the front windscreen, right at the midpoint. The words “TAXI“/ “AC-TAXI“, as the case may be, shall be displayed in the board in the manner that the same is clearly visible from outside, even from a distance. The background of the display shall be in White colour and the letters in Navy Blue.

G. There shall be another display board, placed inside at the bottom of the left hand side of the windscreen of the vehicle, using brightly lit LEDs, visible clearly from outside and also from a reasonable distance, displaying the words “FOR HIRE“/ “HIRED” as and when required so depending on the status of the vehicle;

H. The words “NO REFUSAL” shall be inscribed in Navy Blue colour on the centre of the two front doors of the vehicle. The size of the all the letters shall be of 7 x 7 cm and shall be of equal sizes;

I. The registration mark shall be painted in a legible manner on the top left hand side of the windscreen and also on the back of the front seat;

J. The existing provisions as applicable to the Metered Taxis, and not covered above, shall however continue;

K. The Regional Transport Authorities of this State shall incorporate these colour specifications in the offer letter for grant of permit with immediate effect;

L. Henceforth, all new Metered Taxis shall be painted and maintained in the manner as aforesaid and this shall be one of the conditions of the permit;

M. The make and models that can be used as Metered Taxis, shall require prior approval of the Transport Department.

This shall take immediate effect.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- Joint Secretary
to the Government of West Bengal

No. 3112-WT dated 20.08.2013

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