Government of West Bengal
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department
General Cell
Writers’ Buildings, 2nd Floor, Block-E, Kolkata-700 001
No. 320-PAR (Genl.) Dated, Kolkata, the 20th February, 2012
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 1 of the West Bengal Staff Selection Commission Act, 2011 (West Ben. XVII of 2011) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Governor is pleased hereby to appoint the first day of March, 2012 as the date on which the provisions of the said Act shall come into force.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- Indevar Pandey
Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.
No. 320-PAR dated 20.02.2012
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