Finance Department to develop Unified Project Management System (UPMS) for monitoring of projects, throughout the life cycle of the project from initiation to completion of the project, as part of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) assisted West Bengal Public Finance Management Reforms Program.
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No. 2066-F(Y) Date: 8th July, 2021
Sub: Re-Constitution of Committee for Unified Project Management System (UPMS)
It has been decided by Finance Department to develop “Unified Project Management System (UPMS)” for monitoring of projects, throughout the life cycle of the project from initiation to completion of the project, as part of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) assisted West Bengal Public Finance Management Reforms Program.
In this respect a committee was formed vide order no. FS-139/2020 dated 11.06.2020. It has now been decided to reconstitute the committee with the following officials:-
The indicative scope of work and responsibilities of the committee shall be as follows:-
Sd/- Dr. Manoj Pant
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal