
Procedure for Commutation of Pension through e-Pension Portal

School Education,

Revised procedure for online disposal of the pension cases of the employees of Non Government Aided and Recognised Educational Institutions through e-Pension portal.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department, Budget Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091

No. 65-SSE/17 Dated: 17.04.2017


In terms of Memo No. 297-Edn.(B) dated 23.12.1994 the benefit of submitting application for commutation of pension prior to date of retirement of a state government employee in terms of the Finance Department’s Memo No. 5025-F dated 23.05.1990 was extended to the teaching and non-teaching employees of Government recognised and aided Non-Government Educational Institutions, who are entitled to pension etc. subject to the stipulations contained in the said memo dated 23.05.1990. Such employees could also apply for commutation of pension without medical examination within 12 months from their date of retirement in terms of D.C.R.B. Scheme of 1981 circulated vide Memo No. 136-Edn(B) dated 15.05.1985.

Consequent upon the issue of Memo No. 88-SE(B) dated 26.05.1998 and in terms of Memo No. 81-SE(B) dated 11.05.1999, the relevant provisions of Memo No. 297-EDN(B) dated 23.12.1994 was modified and it was stated that an application for commutation of pension in Form-C will be treated as valid for the purpose of commutation of pension without medical examination if the same is submitted by the employees of West Bengal Recognised Non-Government Educational Institutions and accepted by the authority concerned at any time between the period of twenty four months prior to retirement of an employee.

Now the State Government has introduced a revised procedure for online disposal of the pension cases of the employees of Non Government Aided and Recognised Educational Institutions through e-Pension portal. In view of the above it is felt that the procedure laid down in Memo No. quoted above requires modification.

After careful consideration of the matter the Governor is pleased to decide that an application for commutation of pension will be treated as valid for the purpose of commutation of pension without medical examination if the same is submitted by the employees of West Bengal Recognised Non-Government Educational Institutions and accepted by the authority concerned at any time between the period of twelve months prior to retirement of an employee. Such employees can also apply for commutation of pension without medical examination within 12 months from their date of retirement in terms of D.C.R.B. Scheme of 1981 circulated vide Memo No. 136-Edn(B) dated 15.05.1985.

Memo No. 81-SE(B) dated 11.05.1999 stands modified to the extent prescribed in this order.

The Order shall take immediate effect.

This Order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department, vide U.O. No. Misc/ 60/2017 of Group-H dated 17.04.2017.

Sd/- Secretary
School Education Department.

No. 65-SSE dated 17.04.2017

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