
Conduct of Diploma in Elementary Education Part-I Exam, 2014

School Education,

Diploma-In-Elementary Education Part-I Examination, 2014 on Practical and Theoretical Subjects will be held for the trainees of two hundred ten (210) PTTI of West Bengal.

West Bengal Board of Primary Education
“Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan”
DK 7/1, Sector – II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091

No. 3660(210)/BPE/2014 Date: 10/07/2014

The Principal/ Lecturer-in-Charge,
……….. Primary Teachers’ Training Institute,

Sub: Conduct of Diploma-In-Elementary Education Part-I Examination, 2014 (Session: 2013-2015)

Sir/ Madam,

I am directed to inform you that Diploma-In-Elementary Education Part-I Examination, 2014 (Session – 2013-2015) on Practical and Theoretical Subjects will be held according to the following Programme for the trainees of two hundred ten (210) Primary Teachers’ Training Institutes of West Bengal having recognition from the National Council for Teacher Education and affiliation was granted by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education.

(A) Tentative Programme on Practical Subjects:

Sl. No.Name of the Subject(s)Date(s) (Any two dates from the following as per choice of concerned Institute)Remarks
1Teaching Practical (Micro – Teaching) (For Part – I)21/07/2014 To 14/08/2014External Examination will be conducted by External Examiner appointed by Board.
2Cultural Activity (For Part – I)21/07/2014 To 14/08/2014External Examination will be conducted by External Examiner appointed by Board.

a) The Diploma-In-Elementary Education Part-I Examination, 2014 on Practical Subjects to be held on the dates as per Programme mentioned above (A).

All the Principals/ Lecturer-in-Charge of Primary Teachers’ Training Institutes are hereby requested to finalize the dates for holding in Practical Examination and furnish the said dates to this Board immediately by special messenger positively (in duplicate) so as to enable the Board to send the appointment letters to the examiners well ahead.

(B) Tentative Programme on Theoretical Papers:

18/08/2014 (Monday)11-00 A.M. To 01-15 P.M.Basic Concepts in Education18/08/2014 (Monday)2-00 P.M. To 4-15 P.M.Educational Psychology and Learning Process
20/08/2014 (Wednesday)11-00 A.M. To 01-15 P.M.Planning, Management, Methodology and Evaluation20/08/2014 (Wednesday)2-00 P.M. To 4-15 P.M.Development of Education in Contemporary India
22/08/2014 (Friday)10-30 A.M. To 01-15 P.M.Contents and Methods of Teaching Mother Language (Bengali, Hindi, Nepali and Urdu)22/08/2014 (Friday)2-00 P.M. To 4-15 P.M.Contents and Methods of Teaching-Geography
25/08/2014 (Monday)10-30 A.M. To 01-15 P.M.Contents and Methods of Teaching-English (Second Language)25/08/2014 (Monday)2-00 P.M. To 4-15 P.M.Contents and Methods of Teaching-History
27/08/2014 Wednesday)10-30 A.M. To 1-15 P.M.Creative Work and Productive Work27/08/2014 (Wednesday)2-00 P.M. To 4-15 P.M.Physical Education and Health Education
29/08/2014 (Friday)10-30 A.M. To 1-15 P.M.Contents and Methods of Teaching-Mathematics29/08/2014 (Friday)2-00 P.M. To 4-15 P.M.Contents and Methods of Teaching-Natural Science
01/09/2014 (Monday)11-00 A.M. To 01-15 P.M.Theory based Compulsory Optional Subjects (any one) Pre-Primary Education, Social Education, Evaluation and Measurement in Primary Education01/09/2014 (Monday)2-00 P.M. To 4-15 P.M.Compulsory Optional Subjects (any one) Art Education, Sangeet, Computer Application in Education

2. You are also requested to furnish the following particulars in the Pro-forma given below:

i) No. of Regular Trainees during the Session (2013-2015) for Part – I Examination, 2014.
ii) No. of Fresher/ Continuing Candidates for Part – I Examination, 2014.

Medium-WiseFresherContinuing CandidatesTotal
a)Bengali Medium
b)Urdu Medium
c)Nepali Medium
d)Hindi Medium

iii) No. of Trainees in different Compulsory Optional Subjects:

Name of the Subject(s)No. of Trainees(s)
a)Pre-Primary Education
b)Social Education
c)Evaluation and Measurement in Primary Education
f)Computer Application in Education

iv) Particulars of the Primary Teachers’ Training Institutes (PTTIs) :

a) Name of the P.T.T.I. with Postal Address:
b) Institute’s Phone (Landline) No.
Principal & Secretary Mobile No. :
c) email ID :
d) Fax No. :

3. Examination Fees:

a) You are requested to kindly collect the Examination Fees @ Rs. 600/- (Rupees six hundred) only per trainee of the Diploma-In-Elementary Education Part-I Examination, 2014 (Session – 2013-2015) and send the sum amount to the West Bengal Board of Primary Education through Demand Draft drawn in favour of ‘West Bengal Board of Primary Education’ Payable at Kolkata and collect the prescribed blank application form from the West Bengal Board of Primary Education on and from the 21st July, 2014.

Last date of submission of filled up form is 8th August, 2014.

b) It is to be noted that the Diploma-In-Elementary Education Part-I Examination, 2014 (Session: 2013-2015) will be conducted as per Syllabus of Two-Year Diploma-In-Elementary Education Course prescribed by this Board.

c) The said Examination will be held in the Venue other than the respective Primary Teachers’ Training Institutes.

All the Principals/ Lecturer-in-Charge of the concerned Primary Teachers’ Training Institutes are hereby requested to co-operate with the Chairman, District Primary School Council and District Inspector of Schools (P.E) of the concerned District in this matter.

d) Examination Venues to be selected by this Board and will be intimated in due course.

4. There will be a District Level Committee of the above mentioned examination for each district comprising of the following members:

a)District Magistrate or his NomineeMember
b)Chairman, District Primary School CouncilChairman of the Committee
c)District Inspector of Schools (PE)Chairman
d)District Inspector of Schools (SE)Member
e)Principal of concerned District Institute of Education and Training (DIET)Member
f)Principal(s) of Primary Teachers’ Training Institutes of the concerned districtsMember
g)Officer(s)-in-Charge of Examination CentreMember
h)One Local Medical PractitionerMember
i)Officer-in-Charge of nearest Police StationMember
j)Headmaster/Headmistress of the Venue InstituteMember

5. Functions of the Committee:

a) Selection of Officer-in-Charge of the Centre;

b) To select Personnel(s) for invigilation duty from amongst the staff of the Venue – Institute or from which the Committee deems fit;

c) The Committee shall decide on the general procedure to be adopted for smooth conduct of the examination of the Centre;

d) The Centre Committee will render help and guidance to the Officer-in-Charge and Centre Superintendent in the matter of conducting the examination and all other necessary arrangements for smooth conduct of theoretical examination;

e) The Committee will extend all sorts of co-operation and help to keep vigilance in the Examination Centre during examination and deal seriously with any sort of irregularity, if found to occur;

f) Officer-in-Charge of Diploma-In-Elementary Education Part-I Examination, 2014 (Session – 2013-2015) of each centre will appointed by the District Inspector of Shools (PE) of the concerned District in consultation with the District Committee subject to the approval of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education. The remuneration of the Officer-in-Charge is Rs. 750/- (Rupees seven hundred fifty) only for each centre.

6. The Head of the Institution selected as venue of the above mentioned examination will normally act as the Centre Superintendent with a remuneration of Rs. 750/- (Rupees seven hundred fifty) only per centre.

7. The District Committee may impose a “Centre Fee” not exceeding Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred fifty) only on each candidate to meet the contingent expenditure for conducting the examination to be incurred by the Officer-in-Charge. This ‘Centre Fee’ may be collected from the examinees at the time of distribution of ADMIT CARDS.

8. The said Centre Fee as imposed by the District Committee will have to cover inter-alia expenditure on the following items also:

a) Remuneration of the Officer-in-Charge: Rs. 750/- (Rupees seven hundred fifty) only per centre.

b) Remuneration of the Centre Superintendent: Rs. 750/- (Rupees seven hundred fifty) only per centre.

c) Remuneration to the invigilator @ Rs. 125/- (Rupees one hundred twenty five) only per invigilator per half (one invigilator for 25 candidates and when the number of candidates exceeds the next 10, another invigilator up to 50 and so on).

d) Arrangement and re-arrangement of seats.

e) One person @ Rs. 80/- (Rupees eighty) only per day for supply of drinking water.

f) Purchase of papers and other stationary articles etc.

g) Two Gr.’D’ staff @ Rs. 80/- (Rupees eighty) only per day for binding answer-scripts and other works.

h) One person may be engaged for Cleanical Work for each Centre and his remuneration will be Rs. 80/-(Rupees eighty) only per day.

i) Honorarium of custodian of confidential paper: Rs. 750/- (Rupees seven hundred fifty) only.

j) Any other contingent expenditure as deemed fit and proper.

k) To meet the Bank Charge for preparing draft etc. where as necessary.

l) One person may be engaged for clerical work for each centre and his remuneration will be Rs. 100/-(Rupees one hundred) only per day.

The accounts of income-expenditure for each centre shall be audited by an Auditor to be appointed by the District Committee within three months after the examination is over.

The District Inspector of Schools (PE) is requested to forward the copy of the Audit Report to this Board within a month thereafter.

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi

No. 3660-BPE dated 10.07.2014

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