
Conferment of Hostel/ Mess Employees of University/ College

Higher Education, , 👁ī¸ 511

Conferment of the status of non-teaching Hostel/ Mess employees and the benefit of General Provident fund and Pension to the Hostel/ Mess employees of State-aided Universities, Government-aided Colleges.

KOLKATA – 700091

No. 874-Edn (CS)/1C-63L/12 Date: 28.10.2014


Subject: Conferment of the status of non-teaching Hostel/ Mess employees and the benefit of General Provident fund and Pension to the Hostel/ Mess employees of State-aided Universities, Government-aided Colleges including Government General Degree Colleges and Government Engineering and Technology Colleges in West Bengal

Consequent upon the introduction of uniform service conditions and revision of salaries and allowances of the Hostel/ Mess employees attached to the Hostel/ Messes of State-aided Universities and Government-aided Colleges, including Government General Degree Colleges and Government Engineering and Technology Colleges in West Bengal, vide this Department Order No. 1583-Edn (U) dated 19.10.1981 and 148-Edn (U) dated 14.02.2000 and subsequent orders in this regard, the Governor is hereby pleased to direct as follows:

1. The Hostel/ Mess employees of the State-aided Universities in West Bengal shall henceforth, be treated as non-teaching employees of the respective Universities and their salaries and allowances including other service benefits shall be the same as are available to the other non-teaching employees of the University.

2. The Hostel/ Mess employees of the State-aided Universities in West Bengal shall be eligible for the benefit of General Provident Fund, Death or Retirement Gratuity and Pension, including Family Pension and such other retirement benefits as are available to other non-teaching employees of the University, with effect from 01.02.2000, as per the extant rules/provisions/scheme of the University as are applicable to the other non-teaching employees of the University. The employees, who have died or retired from service on or after 01.02.2000 shall be eligible only for Death or Retiring Gratuity, as the case may be, and Pension or Family Pension, as the case may be, as per the extant rules/ provisions/ schemes of the University. The benefit of General Provident shall however, not be open to those employees who have died or retired form service prior to the issuance of this Order.

3. The Hostel/Mess employees attached to the Government-aided Colleges shall henceforth, be treated as Non-teaching employees of the respective colleges and their salaries and allowances including other service benefits shall be the same as are available to the other non-teaching employees of the college.

4. The Hostel/ Mess employees of the Government-aided Colleges shall be eligible for the benefit of General Provident Fund, Death or Retirement Gratuity and Pension, including Family Pension and such other retirement benefits as are available to the other non-teaching employees of the College, with effect from 01.02.2000, as per the provisions of the West Bengal Non-Government College Employees and Day Students’ Home Employees (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Scheme notified vide this Department No. 1955-Edn (CS) dated 23.12.1981 and the orders made thereunder. The employees, who have died or retired from service on or after 01.02.2000 shall be eligible for only Death or Retiring Gratuity, as the case may be, and Pension or Family Pension, as the case may be, as per the provisions of the said scheme. The benefit of General Provident shall however, not be open to those employees who have died or retired form service prior to the issuance of this Order.

5. The Hostel/ Mess employees of Government General Degree Colleges and Government Engineering and Technology Colleges shall henceforth, be treated as the Group-D Government employees and shall be eligible for all service benefits including the benefits of General Provident Fund, Death or Retirement Gratuity and Pension including Family Pension as are available to other Group-D Government employees, as per the extant provisions of the relevant rules as applicable to other Government employees in West Bengal. However, such benefit can be extended to only those employees who have retired on or after 01.02.2000. The benefit of General Provident Fund shall however, not be open to the employees who have died or retired from service prior to the issuance of this Order.

6. The duty-hours and work pattern of the Hostel/ Mess employees shall be determined by the concerned University or the Governing Body of the concerned colleges considering their work-load and other local conditions and every such employee shall be bound to carry out the directions of the University or the Colleges, as the case may be, in this regard. Every such employee shall be liable for disciplinary proceedings and punishment thereunder, for violation of service terms and conditions as per the extant rules of the University or the West Bengal College Teachers (Security of Services) Rules, 1977 notified vide this Department No. 1685-Edn (CS) dated 24.11.1977 or the West Bengal Service Rules, 1971, West Bengal Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1971 and the West Bengal Services (Right, Duties and Obligation) Rules, 1980, as the case may be and any other Act framed in future and Rules made in addition for this purpose.

7. The Hostel/ Mess employees of the University and the Colleges shall be considered as non-vacational non-teaching employees of the University or the Colleges and shall be entitled for such leave as may be determined by the State Government from time to time, made in accordance to their work pattern and duty-hours. The appointing authority shall be the leave sanctioning authority for the Hostel /Mess employees.

Note:- (a) For State-aided Universities, the appointing authority of the Hostel/ Mess employees shall be the Executive Council, or such other authority decided by the Executive Council, or any other officer entrusted by the Executive Council of the concerned University as it deems fit and proper; (b) for the employees of Government-aided colleges, the appointing authority shall be the Governing Body/ Managing Committee/ Administrator; and (c) for the Government General Degree Colleges, the appointing authority shall be the Director of Public Instruction, West Bengal and for the Government Engineering and Technology Colleges, the Director of Technical Education, West Bengal.

8. All existing posts of Hostel/ Mess employees in all State-aided Universities, Government-aided Colleges and Government Colleges shall be considered to be a “dying cadre” and all such post shall be treated as personal to the present incumbent. No further recruitment, either contractual or permanent, including appointment on compassionate ground shall be allowed in such post with effect from the date of issue of this Order. The Hostel and Messes of all such Universities and Colleges shall be maintained by outsourcing through private entrepreneurs for which the State Government may grant annual ad-hoc grants. The detailed procedure in this regard will be laid down in due course.

9. This order is issued in concurrence with the Finance Department vide their U.O Reference No. 742-F (Pen) dated 19.09.2014.

10. All other previous orders made in this regard, to the extent they are inconsistent with this Memorandum, shall stand modified.

11. Any dispute in relation to interpretation or clarification of this Memorandum shall be referred to the State Government and the decision of the State Government shall be final.

By order of the Governor

Sd/- Principal Secretary

No. 874-Edn dated 28.10.2014, Source

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