Contractual/ Daily wage workers by CMOH/ BMOH/ Supdt/ RMO etc. for specified purpose for certain days and amounts for carrying various petty works are restricted.
Government of West Bengal
Directorate of Health Services
Swasthya Bhavan, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata – 700 091.
No. HAD/12M-06-12/A, dated 15.02.2012
Contractual/ Daily wage workers were engaged from time to time by CMOH/ BMOH /Supdt/ RMO etc. for specified purpose for certain days and amounts were paid to them for carrying various petty works.
Some services like Security, Scavenging etc. are being hired from the contractor, who hires some manpower for rendering such type of services.
It has been observed that in some cases, concerned officer of H & FW Dept. One issuing certificate to the effect that they are “contractual employee” of this Dept., which is not at all a fact and inviting/ may invite legal complication in future.
In view of the above, all concerned are hereby informed that, CMOHs, BMOHs, RMOs and HMOs not to issue such certificates. If demanded they may at best issue the copy of Work Registers. But they should not issue any certificate in their official pad certifying the workers’ character, efficiency and other superlatives which they often do, because it could not be verified/ verifiable from their end.
All concerned one being informed. This must be strictly adhered to.
Director of Health Services & E.O. Secretary,
Govt. of West Bengal.