
Conversion of Land with Classification Pukur Paar (Embankment of Pond)

Land Reforms, ,

(i) ‘Pukur’ and ‘Pukur Paar’ should be distinct separate plots of land since the period of Revisional Settlement. (ii) Minimum 15 feet should be left unaltered from the edge of the water-body for allowing any conversion.

Government of West Bengal
Land & Land Reforms and Refugee Relief & Rehabilitation Department
Land Policy Branch
Nabanna (6th Floor)
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah- 711102

No. 3538-LP/5M-05/22 Date: 10/08/2022


WHEREAS a good number of application for conversion of land with classification pukur paar (embankment of pond) have been lying pending before the Collector under section 4C of the West Bengal Land Reforms Act, 1955 (hereinafter called the said Act) for want of clarity and confusion amongst the authority concerned;

AND WHEREAS the State Government in the Land & Land Reforms and Refugee Relief & Rehabilitation Department took the initiative to review the issues in the light of prevailing Acts, rules, emerging needs and also without compromising to the detrimental effect on the water-body for such conversion;

AND WHEREAS a Video Conference was held on 02/02/2022 under the Chairmanship of ACS, Fisheries Department so as to frame a guideline in this regard in a pragmatic way;

AND WHEREAS in pursuance of the Resolution of the said VC, a Committee was formed under this Departmentโ€™s Notification No. 1505-LP Dated 18/04/2022 (hereinafter called the ‘said Committee’) to recommend modalities in disposal of such applications;

And whereas recommendations of the said Committee have been received and considered by the State Government;

Now, the State Government in the Land & Land Reforms and Refugee Relief & Rehabilitation Department after careful consideration of the matter directs the Collector under section 4C of the said Act to consider the following points with immediate effect for disposal of application for conversion of land with classification Pukur-paar (embankment of pond):

(i) ‘Pukur’ and ‘Pukur Paar’ should be distinct separate plots of land since the period of Revisional Settlement;

(ii) Minimum 15 feet should be left unaltered from the edge of the water-body for allowing any conversion.

(iii) A block level 3 (three) men Committee with BLLRO concerned being the convenor of the committee and Jr. Engineer Agri Irrigation under the control of BDO of the Block & Fisheries Extension Officer posted in the office of the BDO as members of the Committee shall be formed who will inspect site and recommend every such conversion application in the light of the above two points.

This issues in supersession of all the orders/ circulars/ memo issued in this regard.

By order,

Sd/- Smaraki Mahapatra
LRC & Secretary

No. 3538-LP dated 10.08.2022, Source

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