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After a review of the current situation of COVID-19 pandemic, in view of the overall decline in total caseload and positivity rate and overall improvement in the situation, the restrictions imposed can now be revoked.
Government of West Bengal
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road, Howrah – 711102
No- 753/XXVIII-ISS/2M-22/2020 Dated: 31/03/2022
Whereas, in order to contain spread of COVID-19 pandemic, state government had from time to time issued orders notifying certain restriction and relaxation measures and advisory in terms of the provisions under Disaster Management Act 2005 read with West Bengal Epidemic Disease, Covid-19 Regulations 2020, which are in force till 31/03/2022.
Whereas, State Executive Committee of West Bengal State Disaster Management Authority after a review of the current situation of COVID-19 pandemic observed that in view of the overall decline in total caseload and positivity rate and overall improvement in the situation, the restrictions imposed under the Disaster Management Act 2005 read with West Bengal Epidemic Disease, Covid-19 Regulations 2020 can now be revoked. The SEC further recommended that the health and hygiene protocols must however continue to remain in force.
Accordingly, it is hereby notified that restrictions as currently in force by aforesaid orders are hereby withdrawn. However, advisory in respect of health and hygiene protocols including wearing of mask at all times, hand hygiene and sanitization of public places shall continue to be strictly observed until further orders.
Employers/ management bodies/ owners/ supervisors of all offices, establishments and work places shall be responsible for provisioning of all COVID safety measures including regular sanitization of work places and COVID appropriate norms.
District administration, police commissionerates and local authorities shall ensure strict compliance of health and hygiene protocols and advisory on COVID appropriate behaviour.
Sd/- Chief Secretary