
Creation of PPP Cell in Finance Department


Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch

No.: 6523-F(H), Dated: 27.07.2012.


Pursuant to the provisions envisaged in para 6.3 and para 6.4 of the Finance Department Resolution No. 5266-F(H), dated 21.06.2012 read with No. 5811-F(H) dated 6th July, 2012, the Governor is hereby pleased create a Public Private Partnership (PPP) Cell within Budget Branch, Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal for providing necessary direction and hand-holding support to the Departments sponsoring PPP Projects.

2. The PPP Cell shall co-ordinate the efforts of the different Administrative Departments of the State Government with regard to the development of infrastructure sectors involving private sector participation.

3. The Finance Secretary shall act as the Nodal Officer of the PPP Cell and shall be assisted by the Special Secretary, Finance Department. He shall also be assisted by a PPP Expert(s), MIS Expert, Financial Expert, Public Finance Expert, Legal Regulatory Expert and other supporting staff to be appointed from time to time.

By order of the Governor,

Sd/- Samar Ghosh
Chief Secretary to the Government of West Bengal
Finance Department.

No. 6523-F dated 27.07.2012

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