School Education, Para Teacher
A Comprehensive Policy Outline prepared in consultation with Expert Committee on School Education has been finalized by the Government for curriculum adaptation for ensuring implementation of the same throughout the State.
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700091
No: 204(4)/IED/1/PWD-IEDSS/PBSSM, Dated: 31.12.2012
From: Sri Arnab Roy,
Secretary to the Govt of West Bengal
To: (1) The President, WBBPE
DK-7/1, A.P.C, Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091
(2) The Administrator, WBBSE
DJ-8, Sector – II, Nibedita Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata -700 091
(3) The President, WBCHSE
9/2, Block-DJ, Sector-II, Vidyasagar Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 700 091
(4) The Commissioner of School Education
Directorate of School Education, Bikash Bhawan 7th Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata -91
Sub: Curriculum Adaptation for Student with Special Needs – Policy outline.
Ref: Implementation of Section 26, 27, 30 & 31 of Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995
In order to realize the goals of Inclusive Education in normal schools apart from structural changes in school Infrastructure and attitudinal changes of the society at large, it is felt that the curriculum also requires suitable adaptation/modification to be attained to the needs of the children with special needs. On this issue, a discussion was held on 09.11.12 in the 5th floor Conference Hall of Bikash Bhawan to discuss curriculum adaptation with focus on single language option from primary to higher secondary level. Needless to say, your office had also been invited to the meeting and it was decided that steps would he taken for curriculum adaptation.
A Comprehensive Policy Outline prepared in consultation with Expert Committee on School Education has been finalized by the Government for curriculum adaptation, is enclosed herewith for your kind perusal and putting In place necessary modalities for implementing them down the line so that students with special needs can be benefited wherever possible and as per option of the student.
You may also send the directions and Information appropriately to the schools under your jurisdiction from your end for ensuring implementation of the same throughout the State. An action taken report in this regard may kindly be sent to me by 18th January 2013.
Encl: As stated
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal
Annexure – Comprehensive Policy Outline
Sl No. | Issues | Primary/ Secondary/ Higher Secondary |
1. | Language Option | At the primary stage a student with hearing Impairment will have the option of studying both the first and second languages or only the first language. At this stage during the periods for second language the student studying only first language may be given tutorial support for first language by the teachers or by special educators as and when possible. |
From classes V onwards such student will have the liberty and option of studying only first language or both first language and second language. The option of only first language or two languages will be exercised by the student and his/her guardian in consultation with teacher/special educator. In case a student takes up second language also there will be tutorial classes for the student for second language at least once a week during class V so that he/she can cope up with what he/she has not learnt in the lower classes. Such tutorial classes for second language may continue even after class V by the teachers or by special educators as and when possible. | ||
2. | Evaluation & Examination | For such students question paper for second language may have one question in the reading section less than those meant for other students and one or more question In grammar section as substitute for reading section question, class by class, upto Madhyamik (10th) level because reading section questions require repeated, close and intimate reading which may be difficult to attend.Questions related to abstract meaning (poems, idioms) in language paper should be given alternate question (non-abstract). Similarly in the writing section the question can be designed to require shorter replies, say within fifty words because long writing replies may pose certain difficulties to the certain students with disabilities (eg. Visually Impaired). Such alternatives may be made optional also vis-a-vis the normal questions upto class VIII this may be made compulsory and progressively reduce and phase out this facility with a view to encourage acquisition of confidence.A separate column may be provided on the title page of the answer book for indicating the category of students with disabilities so that these answer books could be segregated for sending them separately to the examiner. Like information is collected on children who are visually impaired, the information on hearing Impaired children may also be collected to facilitate the examination process for these children as well, If required. |
3. | Seating Arrangement | The head of the school may arrange the seating arrangements for the certain students with disabilities (eg. visually impaired, multiple disabilities etc.) on the ground floor, as far as possible. |
4. | Other Subject | In the science subjects and geography questions requiring drawing of pictures or geometrical diagrams or maps may be made optional with descriptive or text type questions. |
5. | Books | Books may be printed in large characters/ prints with Illustrations and Braille insertion. |
6. | Amanuensis | The amanuensis should be a student of class lower than the one for which the candidate will be taking the examination.The head of the school chooses a suitable amanuensis and forwards his/her particulars to the concerned authority for consideration.The candidate may be permitted to use the services of an amanuensis in all or any of the papers/ subjects. The candidates will be permitted to draw the diagrams etc. themselves, if desired by them. |
7. | Additional Time | Additional time as under should be given in each paper; a. For paper of 3 hours duration 45 minutes b. For paper of 2 hours duration 30 minutes |