
DA to Other than Govt. Employees wef January, 2017

Finance, 👁️ 188

Grant of D.A. to the Teachers and Non-Teaching Employees of Non-Govt Educational Institutions/ Govt Undertakings/ Panchayats, Local Bodies etc. w.e.f. 01.01.2017.

Finance [Audit] Department, 10th floor
Mandirtala, Howrah – 711 102

No. 19[65]-F(P2) Dated, Howrah the 02.01.2017.

From: D.K.Mahapatra,
Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal.

To: The Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary/ Secretary.

Sub.: Grant of Dearness Allowance to the Teachers and Non-Teaching Employees of Non-Government Educational Institutions/ Employees of Statutory Bodies/ Government Undertakings/ Panchayats including Panchayat Karmee and Municipal Corporations/ Municipalities, Local Bodies etc. with effect from January 01, 2017.


It has been decided to revise the rate of Dearness Allowance admissible to the State Government Employees with effect from January 01, 2017 vide Finance Department’s Memo No. 18-F[P2], dated 02.01.2017 copy of which is enclosed for ready reference.

2. This benefit of Dearness Allowance, as has been sanctioned in the aforesaid memorandum for the State Government Employees, will also be allowed to the Teachers and Non-Teaching Employees of Non-Government Educational Institutions/ Employees of Statutory Bodies/ Government Undertakings/ Panchayats including Panchayat Karmee and Municipal Corporations/ Municipalities, Local Bodies etc. who are in receipt of Dearness Allowance at State Government rates i.e. 75% of Band Pay and Grade Pay taken together with effect from January 01, 2016.

3. The respective Administrative Department may sanction the benefit of Dearness Allowance @ 85% with effect from January 01,2017 to the Employees concerned under their control in terms of Finance Department’s Memo No. 18-F[P2], dated 02.01.2017 without making any further reference to Group ‘P2’ of this Department.

4. It has also been decided that in the case of Public Undertaking/ Statutory Bodies the additional expenditure should be borne by such Undertakings/ Bodies themselves out of their own resources or out of financial assistance provided to them in the budget and that no additional financial assistance will be given to them on account of sanction of dearness Allowance.

Yours faithfully,

Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

No. 19-F dated 02.01.2017, Source

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