
Delegation of Power to Release Fund of 13 Finance Commission

Finance, , 👁️ 157

Delegation of power to the Administrative Departments for release of fund in respect of grants under the recommendation of the Thirteenth Finance Commission.

Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Budget Branch

No. 784-F.B. Dated: 30.08.2013.


Subject: Delegation of power for release of fund in respect of grants under the recommendation of the Thirteenth Finance Commission.

The Government had been considering, for some time past, to delegate power to the Administrative Departments to release fund to execute schemes with the grants under the recommendation of the Thirteenth Finance Commission. At present, the grants under the recommendation of the Thirteenth Finance Commission are available in the following cases:-

(i) Local Bodies Grants
(ii) Water Sector Management
(iii) Grants for Forests
(iv) District Innovation Fund
(v) Improvement of Statistical system
(vi) Employees and Pensioners data Base
(vii) Incentive for Issuing Unique Identifications
(viii) Maintenance of Roads and Bridges
(ix) Improvement in Justice Delivery
(x) Elementary Education
(xi) Disaster Relief and Capacity Building
(xii) Police Training and Police Housing
(xiii) Embankments/ Drainage in Sunderban
(xiv) Upgradation of Fire and Emergency services
(xv) Construction of Health Centres
(xvi) Construction of Anganwadi Centres
(xvii) Road Infrastructure in Border Areas
(xviii) Maintenance of Historical Monuments
(xix) Incentive for reduction in infant mortality rate

2. In the above cases except Grants for Local Bodies, Elementary Education, Disaster Relief and Capacity Building and Incentive for reduction in infant mortality rate, Action Plans/ Working plans are approved by the High Level Monitoring Committee (HLMC).

3. The Governor has now been pleased to decide that the Departmental Secretaries will be competent to release Central fund including the unspent fund in respect of grants under the recommendation of the Thirteenth Finance Commission within the budget provision subject to the following:

(i) That the Action Plans/Working plans have been approved by the High Level Monitoring Committee.
(ii) That the copy of the concerned proceedings of the meeting of the HLMC has been received by them from the Finance Department.
(iii) That confirmation of credit of the fund to the State exchequer is obtained from the Finance Department.

Where the Action Plan /Working Plan is not required to be approved by the High Level Monitoring Committee (HLMC), Departmental Secretaries will be competent to release Central fund in respect of grants under the recommendation of the Thirteenth Finance Commission up to the budget provision subject to the credit confirmation being obtained from the Finance Department.

4. The administrative approval of the project shall be made by the Departmental Approval Committee/Financial Advisor with the approval of the Secretary. In other cases, fond shall be released without further reference to the Finance Department.

5. The fund shall be released from the respective 13th Finance Commission budget head of account from the current financial year budget provision of the State Government. The unspent balance of previous years fund shall also be provided from the current year’s budget. There will be no need for revalidation by the Finance Department.

6. While issuing order, the Administrative Departments should indicate the following in such order:

“This order issues in exercise of powers delegated under Finance Department Memo. No. 784-F.B. dated 30.08.2013.”

Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Finance Department

No. 784-FB dated: 30.08.2013, Source