Provident Fund A/c Calculator as per Enhanced Rate
As the rate of interest is not uniform throughout the financial year, a new P.F. Account calculator has been created which will perfectly calculate the interest and generate the Account slip.
Rate of Interest on GPF during the year 2011-12
GPF, CPF, CPFE shall carry interest at the rate of 8% (eight per cent) for the period from 1.4.2011 to 30.11.2011 and 8.6% (eight point six per cent) w.e.f. 01.12.2011.
Computerized Salary Management System (CSMS)
CSMS is a complete solution for preparing Salary Bill accurately with less effort and time. Related schedules and other reports will also be generated automatically.
Allotment Order on Passing of Vote-on-Account Budget
All Departments should immediately issue orders of allotment to their subordinate offices. It may be noted that no bill will be passed by the Treasury without an allotment order.
New Grant in Aid Sanction Order, 2012-13
From the Financial Year 2012-13, the Grant-in-Aid Bill shall not be passed by the Treasuries/ PAOs if the ‘Sanction Order’ of the same is not in the revised format.
Release of Fund from PAO & Treasury for Financial Year 2012-13
Consolidated instructions regarding release of fund from Kolkata Pay & Accounts Offices and Treasuries in the financial year 2012-13.
Introduction of T.R. Form No. 36A
For drawing charges on account of payment/ repayment of loans, advances, subsidies, investments, interest on loan, withdrawal from Contingency Fund by the Government.
Detailed Head for Consolidated Pay to a Contracted Person
The charge will be debitable to the detailed head 02-Wages, whereas for payment towards professional and Special Services, the charge will be debited under ’28-Payment of Professional and Special Services-02-Other Charges’.
Declaration of Assets and Sale/ Purchase of Property
Articles costing less than two months Basic Pay (Band Pay + Grade Pay) as on 1st January of the concerned year for each item, need not to be mentioned in Assets Statement Report.
Head of Account for Consolidated Pay/ Remuneration of Contractual Employees
The charge for payment will be debitable under the detailed head 28 payment of professional and special services-02-other charges subordinate to relevant Major Head of Account of the budget.
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