

The functions of the Finance Department are performed through 5 (five) branches, namely, Audit, Budget, Revenue, Internal Audit and Institutional Finance.

Punctuality in Attendance and Prompt Disposal of Work

Staffs/ Officers may be allowed to sign the Attendance Register and record attendance upto and within 45 minutes of the scheduled time of attendance in the morning.

Funeral Expense to Family Member of Deceased Employee

In case of death of a Govt. employee an amount of Rs. 250 may be paid as financial relief in shape of funeral expenses to the family member of a Government employee.

Travel Concession to West Bengal Government Employee

Travel Concession is admissible to a Government employee and his family once in a year provided his place of posting is 400 km and above from Kolkata.

Maintenance of Cash Book

Undisbursed amount of cash should be deposited to the Govt. account within three months. A certificate by DDO after physical verification of cash and record.

West Bengal State Govt Employees’ Group Insurance-Cum-Savings Scheme, 1987

Each Govt. Employee may make nomination in favour of one or more persons the right to receive the amount that may become payable under the scheme in the event of his or her death before attaining the date of Superannuation.

Determination of Seniority

The relative seniority between a promotee and a direct recruit shall be determined by the year of appointment or promotion of each in the post, cadre or grade irrespective of the date of joining.

New Professional Tax Slab in West Bengal, 2014

Scheduled Rates of Professions Tax to be recovered by DDO from the salary and wages earners as per the West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employment Act, 1979, (commonly known as Profession Tax Act).

Retention of Heavy Cash Balance in Office

Accumulation and Retention of heavy cash balance results like defalcation, misappropriation of public money etc. In this regard each Administrative Deptt.

Pay Protection of West Bengal Govt. Employees

To prevent disparity in pay of senior and junior employees, a provision of protection of pay is present in Rule 55(4) of WBSR. Not applicable for wrong option.

Ceiling of Maternity Leave Enhanced to a Maximum of 6 Months

Enhancement of the Ceiling of Maternity leave to a maximum of 180 days implemented for Govt. Employees incl. Primary, Secondary, University Teachers and Contractual Employees.

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