The functions of the Finance Department are performed through 5 (five) branches, namely, Audit, Budget, Revenue, Internal Audit and Institutional Finance.
Decentralisation of the work relating to fixation of pay of the officers of the erstwhile West Bengal Junior Audit & Accounts Service which has since been merged with the West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service w.e.f. 01.04.1981.
The Revenue inspector who was in service as such on 31.12.1995 may exercise option to come under revised scale as is allowed vide F.D. Memo No. 766-F, dated 27.01.2009 w.e.f. any date between 01.01.1996 and 01.01.1997.
All proposals for re-employment, where special reasons exist, have to be sent with detailed justification, to the Cabinet Secretariat at least three months in advance.
Form of West Bengal Health Scheme, General Provident Fund, Nomination, Earned Leave, Assets Statement Report, Annual Confidential Report, Open Performance Report, Annual Performance Report, Life Certificate.
WBS DCRB Rules, 1971. Short title and commencement, Application, Interpretation, Relaxation of these rules, Power to give directions, Pension regulated by rules in force.
Modified Career Advancement Scheme for the State Government employees as introduced in Finance Deptt. No. 3015-F dt. 13.03.2001 as per recommendations of the 4th Pay Commission.