Provident Fund Account Calculator
This Excel Utility calculate and generate Account Slip of Provident Fund for Normal/ Retirement/ Death Case. Rate and amount of subscription may be changed at any time.
Cadre Schedule of WBA&AS Officers, 2010
To review the Cadre Schedule for the West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service in terms of Rule 4 of the West Bengal Audit & Accounts Service Cadre Rules, 1999.
Bonus/ Ex-gratia to Employees of Public UT, 2014-15
Employees of Public Undertakings may be allowed to draw an ex-gratia grant of Rs. 3,200/- per head provided their emoluments did not exceed Rs. 24,000/- per month.
Grant of Interest Free Festival Advance, 2015
Whose revised emoluments exceeded Rs. 24,000/- but did not exceed Rs. 35,000/- per month applies for Interest-free festival advance, he may be granted an advance up to a maximum of Rs. 3,500/- only.
Ad-hoc Bonus to State Govt. Employees for 2014-15
State Government employees whose revised emoluments did not exceed Rs. 24,000/- per month as on 31.03.2015 will be entitled to ad-hoc bonus at the rate of Rs. 3,200/- per head.
Exempted Categories of Receipts from the purview of GRIPS
a) Refund made by the Banks by cheque or draft to the Treasury/PAO/PDO, b) Deposits made in LF/Deposit account/PFD account c) Repayment of House Building Advance/Computer Advance/motor cycle advance.
Receipt of Government Revenue by Bank will be continued
Banks will continue to receive the money along with the filled up challans and account for the receipts in their respective credit scroll before transmission of the same to the Treasury/PAO.
Implementation of e-Billing module of IFMS
DDOs using DSC can prepare the bills by just filling up the relevant fields in the TR bill forms and submit them electronically to Pay & Accounts Office/ Treasury through e-Billing module.
Exempted Category of Receipts from the purview of GRIPS
To exempt a) Money to be deposited for purchase of stamps from Treasuries; b) Deposit towards GPF subscription and GISS in bank for employees on deputation from the purview of GRIPS.
Some more Heads of Accounts for e-Receipt through GRIPS
Government departments are requested to issue necessary instructions to their subordinate offices for collection of tax and non-tax revenues through GRIPS portal.
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