Discontinuation of LOC System – Procedure for Bulk Purchase
Resource division will procure the materials within the delegated power of the Executive Engineer in charge of the Resource Division concerned. Otherwise sanction from the competent authority shall be necessary.
Discontinuation of LOC System – Further Guidelines
The requisitioning non-works department will provide fund through e-bantan to the authority in the works department, i.e., Chief Engineer, along with administrative approval;
e-Pradan implementation for COSA bills for all DDOs
Upload the COSA salary files (for each bill two files like bill summary file and other is personal detail file) for the month of April, 2015. After uploading successfully a Reference no. will be generated.
Absence on 30.04.2015 will be treated as DIES NON
All State Government offices including those provided with Grants-in-Aid by the State Government would remain open and all the employees should report for duty on 30th April, 2015.
Residential Landline Telephone Charges of Secretary
Maximum reimbursable amount of telephone charges for residential landline telephone as well as for personal mobile phone in respect of the officers of the rank of Principal Secretary.
Whether Aadhaar Card is Mandatory for getting Subsidy?
For getting subsidy benefit and benefits under Government social welfare schemes, no one should be denied any benefits for want of Aadhaar number.
Passing of Bills in Anticipation of Allotment upto May, 2015
Government has decided to allow acceptance of bills by Treasuries/ PAOs in anticipation of allotment of fund for the first two months of the Financial Year, 2015-16, i.e., upto 31.05.2015.
Self Appraisal Report cum ACR of Officers of WBA&AS
Secretary/ Additional/ Special Secretary in charge of Group T (Establishment Cell) of Audit Branch for the Officers belonging to scale no. 16 & 17 (pre-revised ROPA, 1998)
Clarification on Digital Signature Certificates (DSC)
If an officer is holding the charge of DDO for multiple offices, whether the officer can perform DDO functioning of all the offices with one DSC in his/ her name?
Rescheduled Date of Bill Submission through e-Pradan
State Government has decided to reschedule electronic submission of bills through e-Pradan to the dates mentioned against each. Salary Bills of Government Employee: 01.05.2015.
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