Ministry of Information & Cultural Affairs is a nodal ministry mainly responsible for the information, culture, film and archaeological heritage related activities.
The Scale of pay of Sub-Editor, Translator, News Analyst was revised from Scale No. 10 i.e. Rs. 1390 – 2970/- to Scale No. 12 i.e. Rs. 4800-10925/-with effect from 1.1.96 notionally with actual benefit from 1.1.2007.
District Information & Cultural Officer may exercise option to come under the said revised scale of pay as has been allowed vide this Department’s Order No. 546-ICA dt. 27.2.09 w.e.f. any date between 1.1.96 to 1.1.97.
The scale of pay of Official Photographer was revised from Scale No, 10 i.e. Rs. 1390-2970/- to Scale No. 11 i.e. Rs. 4650-10175/- w.e.f. 01.01.96 notionally with actual benefit from 01.01.06.
The first higher Scale and Second higher Scale of direct recruit Assistant Information Officer for the purpose of CAS ’90/ MCAS ’01 benefit would be Scale No. 16 (Rs. 8000-13500/-) and Scale No. 17 (Rs. 10000-15525/-) respectively.
The scale of pay of Sub-Divisional Information & Cultural Officer was revised from Scale No.12 i.e. Rs. 1500-3410/- to Scale No. 14 i.e. Rs. 5500-11325/- with effect from 1.1.96 notionally with actual benefit from 1.1.2007.
The Scale of pay of Bengali Translator was revised from Scale No. 10 i.e. Rs. 1390 – 2970/- to Scale No. 12 i.e. Rs. 4800-10925/- w.e.f. 1.1.96 notionally actual benefit from 1.1.2007 vide this Department’s Order No. 548-ICA dt. 27.2.09.
West Bengal Heritage Commission will constitute an Administrative and Legal Committee in its meeting (in respect of matters of staff both redeployed employees from other Department of the Government or those engaged on contract or otherwise or any other matter of this nature)
Salaries, honorarium and other allowances, payable to and the other terms and conditions of service of the Chairperson and other members of the Commission.