

Judicial Department is the nodal department relating to Administration of Justice, Constitution and Organisation of all Courts except the Supreme Court, High Court and Rent & Revenue Courts.

West Bengal Complainants and Witnesses (Diet Allowance, Conveyance Charge and Compensation) Rules, 1981

Rules regulating the Payment of Expenses to Complainants and Witnesses in Cases coming before Criminal Court (Diet Allowance, Conveyance Charge and Compensation).

West Bengal Official Language Act, 1961

An Act to provide for the adoption of the Bengali language as the language to be used for the official purposes of the State of West Bengal including purposes of legislation.

Encashment of Leave of Retired Judicial Officers

The bills of retired Judicial Officers or those who were elevated to High Court, Calcutta; will be drawn from the establishment where their last pay bills were drawn.

West Bengal Judicial Service (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 2007

These rules shall apply to the members of the West Bengal Judicial Service including erstwhile members of the West Bengal Civil Service (Judicial) and the West Bengal Higher Judicial Service.

Compensatory Allowance to Court Staff deputed at Lok Adalat

Court Staff who are deputed to attend Lok Adalat work shall be paid Compensatory Allowance @ 5% of their basic pay if they are deputed during general holidays.

Reimbursement of Water and Electricity Charges to Judicial Officers

Reimbursement of water Charges and Electricity Charges to the Judicial Officers of the West Bengal Judicial Service including erstwhile West Bengal Civil Service (Judicial) and West Bengal Higher Judicial Service.

Hindu Marriage Registration Rules, 1958 – Amendments

In exercise of the power conferred by the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following amendments in the Hindu Marriage Registration Rules, 1958.

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