Government of West Bengal
Judicial Department
Writers’ Building
No. 6763-J/J3R-10/92 Date: 28th November, 2007
From: Shri B. Mukherjee,
Joint Secretary.
To: The Registrar General,
High Court, Calcutta.
Sub: Clarification regarding encashment of leave in terms of this Department G.O. No. 2539-J, dated 23.4.07.
I am directed to invite a reference to above and to say that in the above Government Order it has been clearly stated that the bills of retired Judicial Officers or those who were elevated to High Court, Calcutta; will be drawn from the establishment where their last pay bills were drawn. The Judicial Department will only issue statement of leave account of every Judicial Officer periodically so that they may avail of this facility. In fact the head of office of the establishment where the Judicial Officers are now serving or where their last pay was drawn before retirement or elevation, as the case may be, is the competent authority to issue necessary order for drawing the bill on the basis of leave statement prepared by the Judicial Department, a copy of such order so passed by the head of office may be sent to this Department for necessary noting in the Service Book of the concerned Judicial Officer.
All concerned is requested to act accordingly.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/- B. Mukherjee
Joint Secretary.