
Public Health Engineering

PHE Department undertakes programmes of implementation of water supply and sanitation services mainly through PHE Directorate under its administrative control.

Creation of Additional Posts in Different Departments of West Bengal

A number of proposals for awarding different service benefits to the employees of the Government of West Bengal and reorganizing the cadre of different Services of Government of West Bengal through creation of some posts were under consideration of the Government for sometime past.

PHE Schedule of Rates for Civil and Mechanical/ Electrical Works

Schedule of Rates, both Civil and Mechanical/ Electrical with all corrigendum and addendum upto November, 2021. Schedule of Rates for Rig Bored Tubewells upto February, 2022.

Modified Guidelines for Laying of Water Pipelines on PWD Roads

Application for permission for road cutting/ road crossing by PHED to PWD and request for shifting of pipelines by PWD to PHED are to be placed before the concerned Superintending Engineer of the concerned Department.

Transfer Policy of Engineer Officers under PHE Directorate

Transfer and Posting Policy of the Engineer Officers (Civil/Mech./Elect.) (from Junior Engineer up to Superintending Engineer) under Public Health Engineering Directorate, Government of West Bengal.

Standard Operating Procedure for Direct Purchase of Land

There shall be a 4 (four) member committee, comprising of Executive Engineer (Civil), Assistant Engineer (Civil) of the concerned district/ project, representative from planning wing of PHE Directorate and an officer of the L&LR and RRR Department to be nominated by the District Collector, for identification of suitable land (s) for the proposed project (s).

Guidelines for Laying Water Pipelines along/in Roads

Guidelines for streamlining the process and procedures for laying of new pipelines for water supply schemes along/ in existing roads and shifting of pipelines for widening and improvement of roads infrastructure.

Precaution from Heat for OPD Patients in Hospitals

Due to unprecedent heat wave passing through the entire State the patient parties along with the relatives of the admitted patients and OPD patients are suffering from agonizing heat effects.

National Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation Week, 2014

To observe National Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation Week from 20th to 25th February 2014 throughout the State of West Bengal as communicated by Public Health Engineering Department.