Public Works Department provides infrastructural support for both original and repair works to all the departments directly under the Govt. of West Bengal.
Establishment matters of Gazetted Officers, i.e. from Junior Engineer (Electrical) to Superintending Engineer (Electrical); Budgeting and allocation of funds to different units; Audit and Court Case matter.
The Bank Guarantee, now pledged in the form of Security Deposit will be released to the contractor in the following manner, if not forfeited under conditions of contract.
In respect of introduction of Online System of Self Appraisal Report in respect of Group-A Officers of P.W. Deptt., Govt. of W.B., the Governor is pleased in interest of Public Service to nominate the following Nodal Officers:
To prevent unnecessary blocking of earnest money of the unsuccessful bidders, the bid evaluation committee shall carry out the financial evaluation of the tender just after financial bid opening (selection of L1 bidder) and all the unsuccessful bids shall be REJECTED.
Maximum financial powers for sanctioning any extra item or items, substituted item or items, and deviation in quantity or quantities at a time or one or two of it.
Reference of the G.O. under which the Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction was issued, should invariably be given in the Sanction-cum-Allotment order.
Defect Liability Period may be three months or one year or three years or five years depending upon the nature of the work as described in the explanation appended hereto.
Deviation in quantities of individual item up to +10% of agreement quantities will not need any prior approval of technical sanction authority and sanction of deviations is not required.
Sanction-cum-Allotment Order must be issued along with a reference to the Government Order for according administrative approval and financial sanction.
Junior Engineers are responsible for the execution of original/ maintenance works and maintenance of material accounts and public asset with which they are concerned.