Heads of the Institutions are requested to admit the eligible candidates on ‘first come first serve’ basis against all the vacant seats on and from 29.08.2017.
Certificates of D.El.Ed Candidates for Session 2013-15 will be issued to the respective institutions on and from 30.08.2017 during Office Hours from WBBPE.
The process of admission on the basis of either the Waiting List or 3rd List shall have to be completed within three working days from the date i.e. 25.08.2017.
Heads of all the DIETs/ Govt./ Govt. Sponsored/ Govt. Aided P.T.T. Institutions are requested to come to receive the Mark Sheets on and from 30.08.2017.
Result of the D.El.Ed. Part-II Examination of the session 2014-2016 held in the month of April, 2017 has been published on the website www.wbbpe.org on this 23.08.2017.
Display of No Smoking Area signage at prominent places in the educational institutions as smoking in a public place is prohibited under section 4 of the Act.
In all First Language (Such as Bengali) grammar Books for Class X there should be a Model Essay on Kanyashree Project with all the current information and key points.
Grant of Dearness Relief on Pension to the teaching and non-teaching Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of the of State aided Non-Government Educational Institutions w.e.f. 01.01.2017.
Grant of Dearness Relief on Pension to the teaching and non-teaching Pensioners/ Family Pensioners of the of State aided Non-Government Educational Institutions w.e.f. 01.01.2016.
Para Teachers and Residual Teachers, registered for the Two Year D.El.Ed Course (ODL Mode) will be able to know their study centres, allotted online from 05 p.m. of 18.07.2017.
All the Heads of the D.El.Ed. Institutions are requested to release the deputed students of second year D.El.Ed. Course of session 2015-2017 in the afternoon on 30/06/2017.
Notification for Online Application for Admission to Two Year D.El.Ed. Course (Regular/ face to face mode) for the session 2017-2019.