School Education
To ensure universalization of Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and to ensure quality education for Human Resource Development.
To ensure universalization of Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and to ensure quality education for Human Resource Development.
These rules may be called the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers for classes IX and X in Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools) Rules, 2016.
These rules may be called the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection for Appointment to the Posts of Teachers for Upper Primary Level of Schools) Rules, 2016.
Programme Schedule of Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2017 (both Regular and External) will be started from 22nd February, 2017 (Timing: 11.45 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
Grant of Dearness Allowance to the Teaching and Non-teaching employees of Non-Government Aided/ Sponsored Educational Institutions who are in the prerevised scale of pay/ Employees of Statutory Bodies/ Govt. Undertakings/ Local Bodies etc. w.e.f 01.01.2017.
Grant of Dearness Allowance to the Teaching and Non-teaching employees of Non-Government Aided/ Sponsored Educational Institutions @85% w.e.f. 01.01.2017.
Children who have completed any class at a lesser age as per prevalent rule in force at the material point of time in any Govt. Sponsored school may be allowed to proceed to the next class.
Children who have completed any class at a lesser age as per prevalent rule in force at the material point of time in any Govt. school may be allowed to proceed to the next class.
The Headmaster/ Headmistress/ Teacher in charge will oversee the Mid-Day Meal scheme (MDMS) so as to ensure its proper and uninterrupted functioning in the schools.
As per Supreme Court’s direction it is mandatory for all eligible school, the teachers and the Government officials attached to School Education Department to implement and supervise the Cooked Mid-Day Meal Scheme.
Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government Sponsored /Aided Primary /Upper Primary /High /Higher Secondary Schools, 2017.
Admission of children in elementary classes including Pre-Primary Class in all Government schools including Model schools and integrated schools for the academic session, 2017.
Guidelines on duties and responsibilities of various officials connected with distribution and monitoring of Mid Day Meal in the State of West Bengal.
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