To ensure universalization of Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and to ensure quality education for Human Resource Development.
Annual Grant, Civil Grant, Dalit Shiksha Utkarsha Abhiyan, Provision of Sports Equipment to schools, Sankhalaghu Utkarsha Abhiyan, Science Exhibition & Book Fair, Self Defence activities for Girls.
Central Government extends relaxation to West Bengal in respect of the minimum teacher qualification norms notified by the NCTE for the appointment of teachers upto 31.03.2016.
Clarifications on Evaluation of Practicum Courses for Part-I under New Syllabus – 2014 of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education
West Bengal School Service Commission (General Transfer, Transfer on Special Grounds and Reallocation) Rules, 2015 published vide No. 159-SE dated 27.02.2015.
West Bengal School Service Commission (State Level Selection Test for Appointment to the posts of Teachers) Rules, 2015 published vide No. 165-SE dated 03.03.2015.
Result of 1 Year Bridge Course Examination, 2014 for Ex-P.T.T.I (un-employed) candidates has been published on 07.04.2015. Mark-sheets and Certificates will be distributed from 18.05.2015.
Department of Women & Child Development and Social Welfare informed that data entry for fresh and renewal cases of Kanyashree benefits is very slow. It should be completed within 31st March, 2015.
When a teacher is released from a school but without receiving any substitute the vacancy will be considered as a new vacancy and will be placed at the new roster point.
Six Months Special Programme on Elementary Education Training of In-service Primary School Teachers of West Bengal, having B.Ed./ B.Ed. (Special Education/ D.Ed. (Special Education).
Where both Higher Secondary Examination and Class XI Annual Examination, 2015, will be held, other classes will be suspended for the days of examinations.
To enable New Setup Upper Primary Schools to be operationalised from the start of the academic year until formal engagement of teachers for those Schools are made upon the recommendation of WBSSC.
Pre-Internship-Processed-Based Skill Enhancing Teaching will require the student-teachers to practice the selected five teaching skills in small groups under the guidance and counseling of the teacher-educators