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Guidelines for Exposure Visit to Places of Scientific Interest

School Education, 👁️ 237

Guidelines for Exposure visit of the primary/upper primary school children to regional science center to enrich the life experiences and to grow scientific interest and temperament.

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Planning & Budget Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700 091.

No. 331-SE(P&B)/11S-13/2015 Dated the 9th December 2015

From: T.K. Adhikari
O.S.D. & Ex-officio Special Secretary

To: The State Project Director, PBSSM
2nd Floor, Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake.

Sub: Guidelines for Exposure visit

The undersigned is directed to send herewith the approved Guidelines for Exposure visit of Upper Primary/ Secondary/ Higher Secondary School students to the places of scientific interest like Regional Science Centre etc. It is requested to undertake the programme as per the approved guidelines and in terms of this department memo no. 440(10)-SSE/15 dt. 12/08/2015.

Necessary fund for the purpose is being released separately.

Enclo: As stated.

Sd/- T.K. Adhikari
O.S.D. & Ex-officio Special Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

Guidelines for Exposure visit of Upper Primary/ Secondary/ Higher Secondary School students to the places of scientific interest like Regional Science Centre etc.


Exposure visit of the primary/upper primary school children to regional science center to enrich the life experiences of the students who come from deprived economic & social backgrounds. It is aimed to grow scientific interest & temperament. It can also contribute to retention of children in schools.


The project would cover all districts of West Bengal. Total no of students to be covered 5,000 students for each district, i.e 1,05,000 students to be covered in 21 educational districts.

Selection of Schools:

District Project Officer, SSM will select schools applying socio economic logic. The schools (preferably Girls’ Schools) having highest percentage of SC/ST & Minorities students should get priority.


a. DPO Office of the district will select the schools.

b. DPO office will inform the schools which are selected for the tour programme.

c. One person from DPO may be nominated as liaison person from the end of DPO and one teacher from the selected school to be nominated by the Head of the Institute from the concerned school will keep in touch form this programme.

d. DPO has to select schools to cover 5,000 children in the district for this programme.

e. Schools must take a no objection letter from the guardian of the participating children.

f. School will select the date of the tour in consultation with the authority of the Regional Science Centre. For other places of interest, tour date should be fixed in consultation with the concerned DPO.

g. Then school authority will hire a suitable passenger vehicle to visit the place.

h. The tour will start at morning and will end within the day time.

i. Four teacher/non-teaching staff of the school of whom at least two are female will escort the children.

j. Lunch and Tiffin will have to be arranged for the participant by the school authority during the programme.

Standard safety measures to be followed during exposure visit:

(i) The Head of the institution should ensure that the tour undertaken is required for the benefit of students and is related to the curriculum of the course in which such students are enrolled.

(ii) The Head of the institution should ensure issuing security i-cards to all such students and maintain a separate data base of the personal details like guardian, home address, mobile, e mail etc. of such students carried by the students on his person.

(iii) The Head of the institution should ensure that written permission of one of the parents or the local guardian is submitted on behalf of every such student wanting to participate in an educational tour.

(iv) The Head of the institution should ensure that there is a senior teacher accompanying the students on such an educational tour. Further, a senior lady teacher should accompany if there are girl students participating in the educational tour.

(v) The Head of the institution should ensure that prior permission of the organization is obtained in adventure such educational tours are undertaken.

(vi) If the tour is undertaken to public places, dam, cities, power plants, sea beaches etc. a written communication must be made to the District Magistrate or concerned authority.

(vii) If the educational tour has more than 10 participants, it is necessary to hire a local tour operator who is well aware of the local conditions and can advise accordingly.

(viii) The Head of the Institution should ensure that an undertaking is taken from every participating student that they would abide by all the rules and also that they have submitted the permission by their parents or local guardian before they participate in the educational tour.

(ix) School authority should take appropriate measure regarding Safety and Security of the visiting team

(x) The Head of the Institution should also certify in the form of an undertaking that the Institute will provide all necessary help in case of emergency or otherwise to all such students who are part of the educational tour.

Budgetary Support from the Department:

School Education Department would bear a fixed amount of Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred Fifty) only per participating student. This support would be available only if the programme has been conducted as described above.

Tentative cost parameters are as follows:

The School Education Department would not entertain any escalation of cost or amount. All expenses from the fund shall be done after following the financial norms of State Government. The members of visiting team other than the students has to bear their own expenses.

Fund Flow:

DPO Office will directly transfer the fund to the school after finalizing the number of children of the selected school and school will furnish the utilization certificate to DPO Office after completion of the tour. Utilisation of fund has to be done following strict compliance of the WBFR and in any case, have to be reported by 31st March 2015. The expenditure incurred by the school for the purpose is subject to Audit by PBSSM.

Tentative schedule for proposed exposure visit: To be completed by December 2015.

District wise approval for the Exposure Visit:

Name of DistrictNo. of studentUnit CostFund requirementTotal requirement
Bankura5000250./Child5000 X 2501250000
Dakshin Dinajpur5000250./Child5000 X 2501250000
Kolkata5000250./Child5000 X 2501250000
Malda5000250./Child5000 X 2501250000
Murshidabad5000250./Child5000 X 2501250000
Nadia5000250./Child5000 X 2501250000
North 24 Pgns5000250./Child5000X2501250000
Paschim Medinipur5000250./Child5000 X 2501250000
Purba Medinipur5000250,/Child5000 X 2501250000
South 24 Pgns5000250./Child5000 X 2501250000
Aliporeduar5000250./Child5000 X 2501250000
Uttar Dinajpur5000250./Child5000X2501250000
Total105000 26250000

O.S.D. & Ex-officio Special Secretary
Government of West Bengal
School Education Department

No. 331-SE dated 09.12.2015