Method of Recruitment, Sanction of Post against Part time Vacancy, General procedure for selection, Preparation of Panel, Validity of Panel, Appointment etc.
West Bengal Primary Education (Teachers and Employees Death cum Retirement Benefit) Rules, 2008 applicable for approved teaching and non teaching staff of the Govt. or Govt. Aided or Sponsored Training Institutions.
West Bengal Schools Up-gradation Rules, 2007 is prepared regarding up-gradation of Schools from Junior High School to Secondary School, Secondary School to Higher Secondary Schools.
An Act to provide for the control of expenditure in the Schools in West Bengal, shall apply to schools other than a school not in receipt of any financial assistance.
West Bengal Primary Teachers Recruitment Rules along with all Amendments, Corrigendum and Modification in Chronological order with download link of each G.O./ Notification/ Memo Nos.
An Act to make better provisions for the development, expansion, management and control of primary education with a view to making it universal, free and compulsory.
West Bengal School Service Commission Act is to provide for the constitution of Regional School Service Commissions and a Central School Service Commission in West Bengal and for matters connected.
One uniform system of grants-in-aid under which financial assistance is proposed to be provided for covering the net deficit on salary account of approved teachers and non-teaching employees.