To ensure universalization of Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and to ensure quality education for Human Resource Development.
A female employee having less than two surviving children shall be entitled to child adoption leave of 135 days with full pay if she adopts a child less than 1 year of age.
Mutual Transfer shall be made between two teachers who have been appointed against the same category of vacancies and holding the same category of posts and teaching the same subject.
The authority has decided to pay Rs. 5/- as remuneration per Answer script, Rs. 90/- for each half of the invigilation duty and Rs. 20/- as Tiffin allowance.
Enhancement of remuneration of different contractual employees of Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission in State Project Office, District Project Office and Circle Level Resource Centre.
The number of Holidays and Vacation days in an academic year in Secondary Schools should not exceed 65 days instead of 80 days excluding Sundays, decided in EC meeting.
On attaining 60 years of age or winding up of this project the Para teachers or other contractual employee as shown above will be paid an exgratia Retirement Honorarium of Rs. 1 (One) Lakh only on lump sum basis.
Para teachers will perform three major duties – (a) Remedial teaching (b) Child tracking (c) Teaching Learning Material (TLM) preparation for activity based learning in School.
A student, who has secured at least 70% marks in the aggregate and 75% marks in Science subjects and Mathematics taken together in the Madhyamik Examination.
NIC has developed an online salary requisition system for North 24 Parganas district as a pilot project, which would be available in the School Education Department’s portal w.e.f. 01.02.2012.
Govt. has empowered D.I/S(SE) of the concerned District to dispose of the case of deceased teachers/ non-teaching staff of Jr. High/ High & Higher Secondary Schools.