Pay Fixation of Teacher – Some Clarifications

Government of West Bengal
School Education Department
Budget Branch
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091

No. 30-SE (B)/5B-1/2009 Dated: 10.02.2010


After issue of No. 46-SE (B) dt. 27-02-2009 and No. 181-SE(B) dt. 08.10.2009 several questions have been raised from different quarters as regards fixation of pay in the revised pay structure of the existing Assistant Teachers, Assistant Headmaster/ Assistant Headmistress, Headmaster/ Headmistress, Head Teacher and Head Clerk of the educational institutions where they are now posted and even for such teachers who are in service after 1st January, 2006 but ceased to be in service before 27.02.2009 for death or retirement, as the case may be.

The following clarifications are given to the points of doubts raised from different corners:-

Points of doubtClarifications
1. How pay will be fixed in the revised pay-structure when an employee will get the benefit of fixation of pay in the next higher grade pay after completion of 18 years of continuous service on or after 01.01.2006?The benefit of 18 years of continuous service will be admissible to the teaching and non-teaching employees drawing pay in the revised pay structure up to Pay Band No.3. When an employee has not got a single promotion/ advancement to higher scale during his 18 years’ of continuous and satisfactory service, after completion of 18 years’ of service he will get an additional increment along with next higher grade pay for entitlement of such benefit over and above the benefit of the usual annual increment as will be admissible to him.
2. Whether the benefit will be available on the date of entitlement or on the date of usual increment on the 1st July of the year?Since the benefit is linked with option for fixation of pay on the date of entitlement or on the date of annual increment on the 1st July of the year, such fixation of pay for the non-functional benefit will be strictly guided by the principles laid down in para 3 (i) of the Memo No. 181-SE(B), dated 08.10.2009.
3. How additional incremental benefit for continuous service of 10 years/20 years will be regulated?Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff of the Government sponsored/Aided Institutions will the benefit of one additional increment in the revised pay-structure after completion of 10 years of continuous and satisfactory service and another one additional increment after 20 years of such service. The span of 10 years/20 years will be counted from the date of entry into service of an employee and it will be irrespective the post held by him during such period of service. To illustrate, an Assistant Teacher has got one additional increment after completion of 10 years of continuous and satisfactory service. Thereafter, he has been appointed as Headmaster with higher ‘grade pay’ in the Pay Band-4 when he has just completed 16 years of service. After completion of 20 years, Continuous and satisfactory service he will get one additional increment as per para-2 of Memo No.181-SE (B), dated 08.10.2009.
4. What will be the date of fixation of pay when such benefit of 10/20 years of service will be available to an employee?Since the date of annual increment shall always remain unchanged i.e. 1st July of the year and there shall be a gap of at least 6 months between any type of increment and annual increment, fixation of pay is to be regulated as per option of the employee for such non-functional benefit and such fixation of pay is to be made as per principles laid down in para 3(i) of the Memo No. 181-SE(B), dated 08.10.2009.
5. A confusion has arisen about some contradictory words in Note-I below para-2 of the Memo No.181-SE (B), dated 08.10.2009.For removing all confusions. Note-I is being substituted by the following: “Note-I” As the post of Headmaster is not first appointment, nor it may be a promotional one, it should not be considered separately for awarding any benefit of 10/20 years as was being done earlier. But the old cases settled earlier need not be re-opened and the teacher may be allowed to submit option retaining his/her pay (which he is actually drawing) granted earlier.
6. How additional Grade Pay for taking higher responsibilities of Head Teacher (Primary School), Headmaster/ Headmistress, Assistant Headmaster/ Assistant Headmistress of the Schools of different nomenclature will be regulated in the revised scale in the case of existing teachers?The term “existing teachers” means those who are in service on or before 01.01.2006.Additional Grade Pay is a new concept in the revised pay-structure for taking higher responsibility. The benefit of additional ‘Grade Pay’ will be admissible to the existing Head Teacher, Primary School, Assistant Headmaster/Assistant Headmistress, High School (V-X), Headmaster/Headmistress, Assistant Headmaster/ Assistant Headmistress, Higher Secondary School (V-XII), Headmaster/Assistant Headmaster, Junior High School(V-VIII), irrespective of their dates of appointments to such posts notionally with effect from 01.01.2006 and actually with effect from 01.04.2008.Such existing teachers as per their option on any date on and from 01.01.2006 to 27.02.2009 may be allowed to fix their pay in the revised pay structure along with additional Grade Pay which is admissible to them for taking higher responsibility as mentioned above.
7. How pay in the revised pay-structure of an Assistant Teacher will be fixed when he gets appointment to the post of higher responsibility of Head Teacher, Assistant Headmaster/Assistant Headmistress, Headmaster/Headmistress etc. within the period from 01.01.2006 to 27.02.2009?When as Assistant Teacher would get such appointment to a post of higher responsibility on or after 01.01.2006 but within 27.02.2009, his pay could have been fixed in the existing scale allowing additional increments as per Memo No.185-SE(B), dated 04.05.2000 on that date and thereafter on the same day his pay would have to be fixed according to potion in the revised pay-structure as per ROPA, 2009 allowing additional Grad Pay for taking higher responsibility in terms of para 4(a) & 4(b) of Memo No.181-SE(B), dated 08.10.2009.
8. How pay in the revised pay-structure will be fixed in case of an Assistant Teacher who is appointed to a post of Head Teacher, Assistant Headmaster/ Assistant Headmistress, Headmaster/ Headmistress etc. after fixation of his pay under the revised pay-structure?After fixation of pay under the revised pay-structure, if an Assistant Teacher is appointed to a post of higher responsibility, he will get one increment @ 3% on his revised basic pay (pay in the pay band + Grade Pay) and in addition he will be entitled to Grade Pay or additional Grade Pay as has been prescribed for the post. The matter of fixation of pay with incremental benefit will be regulated as per provisions laid down in para 11 of the Memo No. 46-SE(B), dated 27.02.2009 read with para 3(i) of the Memo No. 282-SE(B), dated 08.02.2009 as per option exercised by teacher.
9. How pay will be fixed in the revised pay structure in the following cases:-(a) A School was a High School (V to X) before 01.01.2006 to 27.02.2009. How pay of the Headmaster will be fixed in such a case?(a) The Headmaster of a High School was not entitled to any additional increment other then scale of pay of the post in the unrevised scale. If the School was upgraded to H.S. within the period 01.01.2006 to 27.02.2009, the Headmaster would be entitled to two additional increments from the date of such up gradation as per provisions of the unrevised scale of pay. When the said Headmaster would opt to come under the revised pay structure, his pay could have been fixed as per his option either from 01.01.2006 or from the date of up gradation of the school when he got two additional increments in the unrevised scale. In the first case, after fixation of his pay in the revised scale, he would be again entitled to get 3% increment and additional Grade Pay from the date of taking higher responsibility of the upgraded school. In the second case, he would be entitled to get his pay fixed in the revised pay-structure taking two additional increments in the unrevised scale and he would then get additional Grade Pay of the post of the Headmaster of H.S. School under the revised Pay Structure.
(b) An Assistant Teacher was appointed to the post of Assistant Headmaster after 01.01.2006 and again he got appointment subsequently to the post of Headmaster. How his pay will be fixed?In this case if the appointment to the post of Headmaster was made within 27.02.2009, the said teacher may opt for the revised scale from the date of appointment to the post of Headmaster directly after remaining in the unrevised scale till his such appointment. He may then get entry-point pay in the Pay Band for the post of Headmaster in the revised scale or otherwise, as the case may be, as per pay in the post of Assistant Headmaster in the unrevised scale, whichever is more, in terms of revised pay-structure and in addition he will get Grade Pay/ additional Grade Pay. The said teacher also may opt for the revised pay structure taking his revised scale of pay for the post of Assistant Headmaster and his pay then will be fixed as per Item No. 7 of the Clarifications. After his appointment to the post of Headmaster, his pay will have to be fixed as per Item No. 8 of the Clarifications.
(c) Whether additional increments which were drawn before 01.01.2006 by the Head Teacher, Assistant Headmaster, Headmaster etc. will be taken into account for fixation of pay in the revised pay-structure in case of those teachers who retired or died before coming into force of the revised pay-structure with effect from 27.02.2009?The benefit of fixation of pay under the revised pay-structure will be available to a teacher taking his earlier benefit of additional increment(s) in the unrevised scale irrespective of the fact he is in service on 27.02.2009 or not. In case of a teacher who retired before 27.02.2009, such benefit of fixation of pay will be available to him as per his option with effect of 01.01.2006 or on the date of his next increment or on the date of accrual of any non-functional benefit.In case of a deceased teacher such benefit of fixation of pay may be from the date which will be more beneficial to him.
10. Whether additional Grade Pay admissible to the Teacher-in-Charge as per para 4(d) of Memo No.181-SE (B), dated 08.10.2009, will be counted towards subsequent incremental benefit?Since the benefit of additional Grade Pay of a Teacher-in-Charge is of temporary nature, the amount of the said Grade Pay cannot be taken into account for incremental benefits but dearness allowance and house rent allowance will be paid on the said additional Grade Pay. The benefit will be available separately from the date of taking over charge Teacher-in-Charge as approved by the School authority and ratified by the concerned District Inspector of Schools and will continue will he /she hands over charge to a regular Headmaster/ Headmistress on his /her appointment to the post.

Further owing to absence of some clarifications confusions have been raised on several issues of the earlier order. We like to settle the matter in the following manner:-

(1) In para 4(c) of the Memo No. 181-SE(B), dated 08.10.2009, it has been stated in the last sentence of the 1st para that “Assistant Teacher from other Schools are not, however, entitled to this benefit.”

The term “Other Schools” will mean “on-aided or non-sponsored Private Schools and also include DA getting Schools.”

(2) There are posts of Head Clerk in the unrevised scale of Rs. 4000 – 8850/- with higher initial start at Rs. 4,550/- in the unrevised scale in the West Bengal Board of Primary Education, District Primary Schools Council or in the Training Institute for Primary Teachers etc. These Head Clerks will be allowed revised pay structure in the following manner:-

PB-3: Rs. 7100 – 37,600/-, Grade Pay: Rs. 3650/-

(Minimum pay in the Pay Band Rs. 8470/-).

(3) Admissibility of Winter Allowance, Hill Compensatory Allowance etc will be regulated in terms of Finance Department’s Memo No. 10640-F(P), dated 27.11.2009, with effect from 01.09.2009.

(4) The matter of granting of extra ordinary leave on medical ground and /or admissibility of notional/ actual increment as per para 3(ii) of the Memo No. 181-SE(B), dated 08.10.2009, should be recorded in the Service Book of the concerned employee.

(5) The benefit of exemption from stoppage of increment as provided in Memo No. 759-SE(B), dated 30.07.2009, will be counted from 01.07.2006.

This has the approval of Finance (Audit) Deptt. vide this U.O. No. 374-Gr. P (Service) dt. 04/02/2010.

Sd/- O.S.D. & E.O. Deputy Secretary

No. 30-SE dated 10.02.2010

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