

Transport Department operates from the State Administrative Buildings, i.e. Writers’ Buildings. The Kolkata RTO office is known as Public Vehicles Department.

Fixation on Fleet Strength on City Routes is cancelled by Transport Deptt

If there exists any Notification in the State or District level fixing ceiling on the number of stage carriages on any route in the State except in the city routes in towns with a population of not less than five lakhs, then the aforesaid fixation on the fleet strength of such routes henceforth will stand cancelled and superseded by this Notification.

Taxing Officers i.r.o. West Bengal Motor Vehicles Tax Act/ Rules

Governor is hereby pleased to empower the following officers of Public Vehicles Department, Kolkata to act as Taxing Officers, for the region of Kolkata as described in terms of Rule 2(b) of the West Bengal Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, in addition to the existing ones.

Pre-paid Taxi Booths

Pre-paid Taxi Booths: arrangements of fare charts, service charges, bank accounts and issues related thereto: some revised central principles.
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