
Urban Development and Municipal Affairs

Department of Urban Development and Municipal Affairs has sub-ordinate offices viz. KMDA, KMW&SA, ADDA, BDA, DSDA, HDA, JDA, MKDA, SJDA, SSDA, NKDA, GBDA, TRDA, FSDA, BKDA, PDA, KIT, HIT, HIDCO.

West Bengal Municipal Service Commission Act, 2018

An Act to make provision for constitution of the West Bengal Municipal Service Commission for direct recruitment of personnel for prescribed categories of posts and services in the establishment of Urban Local Bodies, Development Authorities etc.

Operational Guidelines on Green City Mission

To meet the growing challenge of rapid urbanisation, State Government wants to build environment friendly, sustainable, liveable, energy positive, IT friendly and safe city.

West Bengal Building Tax Act, 1996

An Act to provide for the levy, collection, enforcement and recovery of building tax and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

West Bengal Municipal Employee’s DCRB Rules, 2003

West Bengal Municipal (Employee’s Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 2003 is applicable to all the whole time permanent employees under the employment of the Municipalities and the Notified Area Authorities.

Task Force for West Bengal State Urban Livelihood Mission

Governor is pleased to constitute Task Forces at Kolkata Municipal Corporation and ULB Level for implementation of West Bengal State Urban Livelihood Mission under National Urban Livelihood Mission.

West Bengal Municipal Employees’ (Recruitment) Rules, 2005

Secretary, Office Superintendent, Head Clerk, Clerk-cum-Typist, Steno Typist, Upper Division Clerk, Clerk, Darwan, Peon/ Helper/ Mazdoor, Accountant, Deputy Accountant, Cashier, Assistant Cashier, Assessment-in-Charge, Assessment Inspector, Tax Collector, Assistant Tax Daroga/ Assistant Tax Collector, Tax Collection Sarkar (on commission basis)

West Bengal Municipal (Building) Rules, 2007

West Bengal Municipal (Building) Rules, 2007 shall apply to buildings in the municipal areas, notified areas and Industrial Townships in West Bengal.

West Bengal Town and Country Planning (Development of Township Projects) Rules, 2008

West Bengal Town and Country Planning (Development of Township Projects) Rules, 2008 for planned development of rural and urban areas.

North Bengal Municipal Pension cases will be dealt at Uttarkanya

All the pension cases of the Municipal employees of the districts of North Bengal will be dealt by the DPPG Office at Uttarkanya, Siliguri w.e.f. 01.11.2014.

West Bengal Municipal Corporation Act, 2006

An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to municipal corporations in West Bengal with a view to enabling such corporations to provide a belter and uniform municipal administration for the areas within their respective jurisdictions.

DA to Employees of Municipal Corporations, 2014

The rates of Dearness Allowance to the categories of employees who are drawing their pay in the preĀ­revised scale of pay shall be enhanced from the existing rate of 115% to 127% with effect from 01.01.2014.

Further Ad-hoc increase in Wages of Daily Rated Workers, 2014

A further ad-hoc increase in the existing daily rate of wages by Rs. 13/- only with effect from January 01, 2014 for the daily rated workers under the Governor whose wages are not regulated by any statutory provisions like the Minimum Wages Act, etc.

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