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Urban Development and Municipal Affairs

Department of Urban Development and Municipal Affairs has sub-ordinate offices viz. KMDA, KMW&SA, ADDA, BDA, DSDA, HDA, JDA, MKDA, SJDA, SSDA, NKDA, GBDA, TRDA, FSDA, BKDA, PDA, KIT, HIT, HIDCO.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on Feeding Stray or Street Dogs

Every person may show compassion, love and affection towards animals in any form whatsoever including feeding of street or stray dogs.

West Bengal Land Conversion (Leasehold Land to Freehold) Scheme, 2022

Scheme for the parastatals for conversion of leasehold land (for land owned by parastatals and leased out by the parastatals) into freehold land, only in respect of residential and commercial plots.

Kolkata Municipal Corporation (Self-Assessment System, Manner and Forms) Rules, 2017

Any owner of land comprising any building or any vacant land or covered space of building or any other person liable to pay the property tax or any occupier or lessee or sub-lessee, as the case may be, in the absence of such owner or person, shall file a return of self-assessment within sixty days from the date of final publication of the Scheme.

Hawker Support Scheme, 2020

Any hawker who is a permanent resident of West Bengal, who is in extreme distress due to loss of business/ livelihood opportunities due to outbreak of Corona Virus (COVID-19) will be eligible for the assistance.

The New Town, Kolkata Development Authority Act, 2007

An Act to provide for the planned development in the areas within New Town, Kolkata and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Guidelines for Board of Administrators on Municipal Administration

Guidelines for the Board of Administrators/ Administrator to be followed for smooth running of the Municipal Administration and Financial management as per extant provisions of Act and Rules/ Orders.

West Bengal Municipal (Employees’ Service) Rules, 2010

These rules shall apply to all the whole time permanent employees under the employment of the Municipalities and the Notified Area Authorities.

Development Authority (Recruitment and Promotion) Rules, 2019

Rules regulating recruitment and conditions of appointment of employees of the Development Authorities under the Department of Urban Development and Municipal Affairs (Town and Country Planning Branch), Government of West Bengal.

West Bengal Municipal (Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive Officer) Rules, 2018

To cause a detailed report to be prepared during the framing of a project for the execution of any work, stating the scope of the project, its techno-economic viability and its social benefits and the execution of any work through a contract;

West Bengal Municipal Service Commission Act, 2018

An Act to make provision for constitution of the West Bengal Municipal Service Commission for direct recruitment of personnel for prescribed categories of posts and services in the establishment of Urban Local Bodies, Development Authorities etc.

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