
Women Development and Social Welfare

To provide welfare services for the well being of the under privileged sectors of our society such as children, women, persons with disability, aged, orphans and victims of social maladies.

Observation of National Girl Child Day on 24th January, 2014

I would be grateful if steps are taken for carrying out the celebrations as National Girl Child Day in a befitting manner on this day, that is on the 24th of January 2014.

Kanyashree Prakalpa – Target for K1 and K2 Beneficiaries

The necessary target for 21,17,976 of K1 beneficiaries and 3,69,146 of K2 beneficiaries, as desired by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, West Bengal in the inauguration of the Kanyashree Prakalpa.

Kanyashree Prakalpa 2013 – Application Form and Notification

Kanyashree Prakalpa is a conditional cash transfer scheme under the Department of Women Development and Social Welfare with the aim of improving the status and well being of the girl child in West Bengal.

West Bengal Commission for Women Act, 1992

An Act to provide for the constitution of a State level Commission for women and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Protection of Children from Sexual Offences

To provide for the protection of children from the offences of sexual assault, sexual harassment and pornography, while safeguarding the interests of the child at every stage of the judicial process by incorporating child-friendly mechanisms for reporting, recording of evidence, investigation and speedy trial of offences through designated Special Courts.

Protection of Woman against Sexual Harassment

To depute plain clothed female police officers in the precincts of bus-stands and stops, railway stations, metro stations, cinema theatres, shopping malls, parks, beaches, public service vehicles, places of worship etc. so as to monitor and supervise incidents of eve-teasing;

West Bengal Disability Pension Scheme, 2010

West Bengal Disability Pension Scheme, 2010 is applicable for the Disabled person who is a citizen of India and a resident of West Bengal and whose family income, if any, does not exceed Rs. 1000.00 (one thousand) per month;

Implementation of Various Policies for Persons with Disabilities

a) Exemption from payment of Examination Fees and Application Fees, b) Relaxation of Marks, c) Relaxation of Physical Standards in respect of Employment, d) Relaxation for Duration of Examinations; (c) Relaxation of Upper Age Limit and f) Conveyance Allowance.

Definition of Handicaps – Degree and Extent of Disability

Definitions of 1) Visually Handicaps, 2) Locomotor Handicaps, 3) Speech and Hearing handicaps, 4) Mental handicaps for the purpose of availing of the various facilities/ concessions for those persons.

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