Direct Purchase of Land for Public Purpose
Finance, Land Purchase 👁️ 400
Direct purchase of land for public purpose mainly involving the early commissioning of infrastructure projects like roads, bridges, food godowns, drinking water, flood protection and other similar projects in rural and/or urban areas.
No. 862-FB Dated: 14.10.2015
Under Memorandum No. 3145-LP/1A-03/14 dated 24.11.2014, the Land & Land Reforms Department, West Bengal has allowed various departments to go in for the direct purchase of land for public purpose mainly involving the early commissioning of infrastructure projects like roads, bridges, food godowns, drinking water, flood protection and other similar projects in rural and/or urban areas thorugh Zilla Parishad/ Municipality/ Municipal Corporation/ Other Govt. bodies and parastatals, as the case may be, by adopting certain procedures.
2. It has been observed that the departments are placing proposals for Cabinet approval without getting it vetted by the Finance Department. This is making it difficult for the Finance Department to make necessary budgetary provision in the respective budget head of the departments.
3. In order to overcome this problem, the Governor has been pleased to decide that the departments shall get the proposal vetted by the Finance Department before placing it for Cabinet Approval.
4. Accordingly, in their proposal, the departments should also state the source of fund and head of account for the proposed purchase of land.
Sd/- H.K. Dwivedi
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
No. 862-FB dated 14.10.2015, Source
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