School Education, Admit Card , D. El. Ed
The Principals of all the leading D.El.Ed. Institutions are requested to collect the ADMIT CARDs for D.El.Ed Part -I & Part -II Examination, 2015 from the PTT Examination Section of the Board on and from 18.11.2015.
West Bengal Board of Primary Education
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan
DK 7/1, Sector II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata 700091
No. 2429/BPE/2015/115C-7/2015 Date: 16/11/2015
In terms of Board’s earlier Notification No. 2325/BPE/2015 dtd. 16/10/2015 the D.EI.Ed. Part -I examination (Theoretical Papers), 2015 (Old/New Syllabus) and D.El.Ed. Part -II Examination 2015 (Theoretical papers) will be held from 23rd November, 2015 and 24th November, 2015 respectively. The Principals of all the leading D.El.Ed. Institutions recognized by NCTE and affiliated to the WBBPE are requested to collect the ADMIT CARDs for D.El.Ed Part -I & Part -II Examinations 2015 from the PTT Examination Section of the Board on and from 18th November 2015 within office hours. If the post of the Principal of the Institution is lying vacant the Teacher-in-Charge duly approved by the governing body of the Institutions (copy of resolution taken in the meeting is to be enclosed) are requested to collect the same.
They are also requested to bring the list of students (session wise) according to the registration number of the students with them.
Sd/- Dr. R. C. Bagchi