
Distribution of Free Text Books (Class VI-VIII) of Madrasah

Madrasah Education,

Collect the free text books for classes VI-VIII from the respective distribution centre by submitting the attested receipt copy of U-DISE (2014) to the concerned Circle Project Officer (SI/S(SE)).

19, Haji Md. Mohsin Square, Kolkata-700016

Memo No. 1557/Aca/14 Date: 12.12.2014

From: The Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

To: The Heads of all recognised aided Madrasahs

Sub:- Collection of text books for the academic year-2015 from the distribution centre


In reference to the above noted subject, you are requested to collect the free text books for classes VI-VIII from the respective distribution centre by submitting the attested receipt copy of U-DISE (2014) which has already been submitted by you to the concerned Circle Project Officer (SI/S(SE)). The enrolment of Class V, Class VI & Class VII of the aforesaid U-DISE (2014) will be treated as effective enrolment of Class VI, Class VII & Class VIII respectively for the academic year-2015.

All head of the institutes, teachers & other concerned persons are requested to cooperate with the Book Distribution Centre in all respects for smooth and successful completion of distribution of free text books.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

Memo No. 1557/1(1)/Aca/14 Date: 12.12.2014

Copy forwarded for information and taking necessary action to:

1. The Director, Directorate of Madrasah Education, Bikash Bhavan, South Block (2nd Floor), Salt Lake, Kolkata -700 091

2. The head of the institution, ………………………………………. Dist: …………………..

With the request to distribute free text book to concerned madrasahs under his/her jurisdiction subject to submission of the attested receipt copy of U-DISE (2014) which has already been submitted to the concerned Circle Project Officer (SI/S(SE)). The enrolment of Class V, Class VI & Class VII of the aforesaid U-DISE(2014) will be treated as effective enrolment of Class VI, Class VII & Class VIII respectively for the academic year-2015.

Sd/- Secretary
West Bengal Board of Madrasah Education

No. 1557/Aca dated 12.12.2014

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