
Distribution of Registration Form of Secondary Examination

School Education,

Blank Registration Forms for the students reading in class IX of 2013 etc. will be distributed through the Board’s Camp Offices on 31st July, 2013 instead of 25th July, 2013. The date of conducting camp offices is rescheduled due to the Panchayet General Election, 2013.


It is hereby notified to the Heads of all recognised X-Class High School that the Scrutiny list in respect of registration of students in class IX of 2012 and Blank Registration Forms for the students reading in class IX of 2013 etc. will be distributed through the Board’s Camp Offices on 31st July, 2013 instead of 25th July, 2013.

The date of conducting camp offices is rescheduled due to the Panchayet General Election, 2013.

West Bengal Board of Secondary Education