
Dos and Don’ts for Candidates of H.S Examination, 2023

Higher Secondary Education, 👁️ 380

Do not carry mobile phone or any other electronic gadgets including smart watch inside the examination venue except calculator having Trigonometric, Logarithmic and Exponential functions only.

KOLKATA – 700091

Memo No: L/Secy/44/2023 Date: 12.03.2023

Dos and Don’ts for Candidates of H.S Examination 2023


  1. Candidates must bring their Admit Cards on each day of examination and to produce them when asked by the invigilator or any other authority of the examination centre. They are also required to sign their names in the Attendance cum-Signature Roll (ASR) on each day of the Examination date.
  2. Candidates should reach one hour before the beginning of examination on the first day and 30 minutes before the hour of commencement of the examination on other days.
  3. Candidates are required to sit for the examination at venues allotted to them. They are required to take their allotted seats at least 10 minutes before the scheduled hour of the examination.
  4. Candidates should bring with them pens, pencils, ink, eraser, instrument box and other basic materials required for examination.
  5. Candidates are allowed to use Calculator having Trigonometric, Logarithmic and Exponential functions only during the Examination.
  6. Candidates must submit their answer scripts to the invigilator mandatorily after the expiry of examination hours. If a candidate wants to leave the examination hall 12.45 PM, he/she may do so after submitting the answer script to the invigilator.
  7. Candidates may go to toilet after 01 hour of examination keeping the answer script & question paper on the desk/table.


  1. Do not carry mobile phone or any other electronic gadgets including smart watch inside the examination venue except calculator having Trigonometric, Logarithmic and Exponential functions only. Any candidate if found carrying Mobile Phone or any of the above gadgets then his/her Registration may be cancelled.
  2. Borrowing of any items from other examinees is prohibited.
  3. Do not be late. Reach the examination venue within prescribed time.
  4. Parents or guardians of any examinee are not allowed to enter into the examination venue.
  5. Do not forget to bring your Admit card and Registration Certificate
  6. Do not communicate with other candidates or any other persons except invigilators and/or venue supervisors while inside the examination venue.
  7. Submission of answer-script before 12:45 pm is not allowed.
  8. Refrain from creating any untoward incident inside the examination venue. If any such incident is noticed, the result of the candidate/candidates will be withheld and appropriate action would be taken against his/her as per rule.
  9. Any sort of communication inside or outside the examination hall is strictly prohibited.
  10. Candidates should not write anything on the Registration Certificates/ Admit cards and Question papers.
  11. Examinees are not allowed to leave the examination hall before 12.45 p.m. by any way. They are also not allowed to go for toilet before expiry of 01 hour of examination.

Sd/- Tapas Kumar Mukherjee
W.B. Council of H.S. Education

No. L-Secy-44 dated 12.03.2023, Source

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