
Instruction to the Invigilator of Higher Secondary Examination, 2025

Higher Secondary Education, 👁️ 1030

There should be 01 (one) invigilator per block of 25 (twenty five) students subjected to a minimum of 02 (two) invigilators in each room/examination hall.



The Higher Secondary Examination, 2025 will commence from 3rd March, 2025 and continue till 18th March, 2025. Time allotted for written examination for most of the subject is 3 (three) hours 15 (fifteen) minutes (from 10.00 am to 1.15 pm) except for Music, Visual Arts, Health & Physical Education & all Vocational Subjects for which the time allotted is of 2 (two) hours (from 10.00 am to 12 noon).

Like last year, the question paper of each subject of Higher Secondary Examination, 2025 will be of a single booklet, comprised of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), Short Answer Questions (SAQ) and Descriptive Questions (DQ). In the main answer script, specific pages are designated for answering the MCQ and SAQ and rest of the pages are allocated for answering the DQ. If any of the subjects does not have SAQ then the designated space for SAQ should be left blank by the examinee, as the case may be.

Duties and responsibilities of Invigilators:

  1. Invigilators are entrusted with the entire responsibility of conducting the examination in the examination hall properly and hence, he/she has to undertake all the possible measures to complete the examination maintaining its security, sanctity and confidentiality. On the days of examinations, invigilators will supervise the job of receiving the question papers of that day from VS, keeping those in his custody securely for the time being, opening & distribution for question papers & blank answer scripts among the examinees with accuracy, collect & deposit the written answer scripts to the designated place promptly & securely, etc.
  2. There should be 01 (one) invigilator per block of 25 (twenty five) students subjected to a minimum of 02 (two) invigilators in each room/examination hall.
  3. On the days of examination, Invigilators should be present within 8:45 am at the examination venue.
  4. If any Invigilator brings any mobile phone to the venue, it must be deposited to the concerned Venue Supervisor’s custody during the entire examination. Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited during the examination.
  5. On the days of examination, the Invigilators will collect the sealed ‘non-transparent printed poly pouch’ sealed in “One-side printed transparent poly pouch” containing the specific number of questions papers of the subject from the Venue Supervisor’s room at or just after 9:40 a.m.
  6. During collection of question papers, Invigilators must fill up the ‘Venue Supervisor Format (Data Sheet)’ supplied by the Council and sign on it.
  7. Before distribution of question papers, the Invigilators must examine as to whether any of the examinees has entered into the examination hall with mobile phone, smart watch or any other medium of communication or electronic gadget (except the type of calculator permitted by the Council). Examinees are to be alerted in this respect. Even after that, if any of the examinees is found in possession of any such item, then all the examinations of the candidate will be cancelled. The candidate will also not be permitted to appear in the remaining examination, if any. The seized item(s) is to be deposited to the Venue Supervisor. In this case, the matter should be communicated immediately to the Council through the Venue Supervisor, Centre Secretary and Centre-in-Charge through email (dsexaminatlou@wbcbse.org) to the Deputy Secretary (Examination).
  8. Invigilators will open the non-transparent printed poly pouch in front of examinees at 9:55 a.m. and distribute the question papers and blank answer scripts among the examinees at 10:00 a.m. Once the distribution of question papers is completed, the undistributed question papers are to be inserted in that non-transparent printed poly pouch and must be sealed. It has to deposited the Venue Supervisor immediately.
  9. Invigilators will supervise that none of the examinees would go to the washroom/toilet within 01 (one) hour from the commencement of the examination or 30 minutes before the end of examination. If any examinee wish to go to the washroom/toilet between the interim period, he/she must not cany his/her answer script and/or the question paper from the examination hall, nor bring any kind of other papers from outside.
  10. Every question paper is provided with Question Paper Serial Number (Q.P. Sl. No.). Invigilators have to instruct the examinees to write this Q.P. Sl. No. on the top right corner of the answer script positively.
  11. Invigilators will sign the answer script after verifying the name, roll number, subject etc. from the admit card of the examinee.
  12. Invigilator must ask the examinees to put their signatures in the proper place of Attendance cum Signature Roll (ASR) and put ‘Absent or AB’ against the absent candidates.
  13. If an examinee attends the examination of any subject from the venue other than his/her allocated venue, the examinee’s attendance in ASR should not be mentioned as “Absent or AB” in the allocated venue. In this case “Appeared from (Centre No.)” should be mentioned against his/her attendance. A blank ASR should be provided for taking his/her attendance in the current venue and herein “Transferred from (Centre No.)” should be written against his/her attendance in ASR.
  14. Loose sheet must not be distributed without the signature of Invigilator, nor it should be signed in advance by the Invigilator(s). Loose sheet distribution statement of each examination hall/room for each subject has also to be recorded. Council may ask to produce this statement, if necessary.
  15. Whenever any examinee will ask for the loose sheet, the invigilators must check very carefully as to whether his/her main answer script or previous loose sheet (if any) has been written in full. Loose sheet should not be issued unless writing the main answer script or previous loose sheet is complete and proper documentation must be made on the designated place (against loose sheet account) on the top right corner of the first page (cover page) of main answer script.
  16. Examinee will only deposit the written answer scripts along with tagged loose sheets, if any. Invigilators must count the loose sheets while depositing the answer scripts after the end of examination. Invigilator must tally the count of answer script with the number of examinees before allowing students to leave the examination hall/room.
  17. Examinee should only be permitted to leave the examination hall with the question papers maximum 30 minutes before the end of the examination of a subject.
  18. Invigilator must submit the written answer scripts safely and securely to the venue supervisor after the completion of examination each day.
  19. If any candidate is caught with any kind of unfair means, his/her answer scripts should be made ‘Reported Against (RA)’. The concerned examinee has to explain his/her act in this matter by appearing before the ‘Malpractice and Misconduct Enquiry Committee’. The publication of result of the candidate in such case(s), may be delayed.
  20. Invigilators may consult the Venue Supervisor, if required.

Thanking you,

Prof. Dr. Chiranjib Bhattacharjee
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education

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