Government of West Bengal
Animal Resources Development Department
Prani Sampad Bhawan, LB-2, Sec-III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 106.
No. 428-7I-IT-12/2018 Date: 19.02.2019
In order to have a better Store Management and efficient Financial control over the procurement and distribution of all types of drugs, equipments and other hospital consumables in this Department, it has been decided that the entire system should be managed electronically on an Web-enabled platform specially designed to perform this job.
Accordingly, I have been directed by the order of the Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to direct that-
i) All types of new procurement of drugs, equipments and other consumables at Central Medical Store of all District, all BLDOs and all Farms must be processed through the Drug & Equipment Management Information System software package, available at website from the financial year 2019-2020 mandatorily;
ii) For this purpose, there must be a dedicated processing unit comprising of one Desktop PC, one UPS and one Printer at each office at the locations along with internet connectivity. The service provider for internet connectivity will be at the choice of the respective units with a maximum expenditure limit of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred) + GST only per month.
In case, any unit does not have any computer at the moment, the DDARD&POs for the district and Head of the office for the Farms may asses the requirement and send the proposal to the Directorate of AR&AH for making arrangements of such hardware.
iii) Initially, consumption of drugs in the last year is to be entered item-wise, quantity-wise in the system. The anticipated consumption for the financial year 2019-2020 shall be calculated by enhancing the last year’s consumption upto a maximum of 10%. Anticipated quarterly consumption level shall be restricted to one-fourth of the same. The system will automatically generate the anticipated quarterly consumption for each type of drug for which Purchase Order (PO) can be issued. Approved rate chart for all catalogued items for the financial year 2019-2020 shall be available in the system as Master Data and will be available to all the PO issuing units for use. In case of the non-catalogue items it will be the responsibility of the PO issuing units to enter the description of the item if not available in the Master Data and also the rate of that item along with the quantity for purchase before issuing of the PO.
iv) All types of allotments received from the State Budgetary Head (both Plan and Non-Plan) shall be available in the system and will be entered from the Directorate of AR&AH end and will be available to all the PO issuing units for use.
v) The selection of vendor and assignment of quantum of items to be procured from him shall be done by the PO issuing units based on the past experience and proven supply track record of the Vendor and also the existing guidelines of this Department.
vi) The system has been so designed that PO for any item cannot be generated till the available stock for such item is equal to or more than the anticipated quarterly consumption level. There must be available fund under the required head of account before issuing any PO. All types of purchases of non-catalogue items may be made, in case it is absolutely necessary, after obtaining approval from the Directorate of AR&AH. Each PO must contain mandatorily the date within which the supply has to be made. No extension of date for supply of the items will be entertained. For each PO, items can be received either in part or in full. Items so received against each PO either in part or in full must have a minimum of one year clear period from the date of expiry of that item for its consumption. For each receipt of item against a PO either in part or in full the batch number, date of manufacture and expiry date must be entered in the system mandatorily, in case of Drug items only, at the time of making entry of the Goods Receipt Note (GRN). For each receipt of items, GRN must be issued on paper duly stamped and signed a copy of which to be handed over to the vendor to be submitted with the bill subsequently. Any item not included in the PO shall not be received in the stores.
vii) There must be an indent to the store before issue of any item. The indenting unit can send their indent either electronically or on paper to the Store. The indent shall stand cancelled after issue of items against that indent either in full or in part. Fresh indent has to be raised to the store in case of any non-supply item. Issue in excess of the indenting quantity or issue of any item not indented at all shall not be entertained in this system. Issue of drugs must be carried out by following the First Expiry First Out (FEFO) strategy. A Goods Issue Note (GIN) must be issued on paper duly stamped and signed against each issue. A copy of the same has to be handed over to the Indenting unit along with the physical items for record.
A ‘User Operational Manual Guide’ for this new Drug & Equipment MIS software package has been developed & circulated to all concerned as a ready reference for using the software package. Any problem on using this may be brought to the notice of the Nodal Officer, SMIS.
All concerned are being informed.
Special Secretary to the
Govt. of West Bengal
Animal Resources Dev. Department
No. 428-7I dated 19.02.2019
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