
E-Pradan of IFMS mandatory from 01.04.2015 in Education Dte

Higher Education, 👁ī¸ 232

All the Principals/ Teacher-in-Charges/ DDOs of the Govt/ Govt. aided/ Sponsored Colleges of West Bengal are requested to implement e-Pradan of IFMS (e-Payment) w.e.f. 01.04.2015.

Education Directorate
Government of West Bengal
Bikash Bhawan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091

Memo No. 3835 Date:- 18.3.15


All the Principals/ Teacher-in-Charges/ DDOs of the Govt/ Govt. aided/ Sponsored Colleges of West Bengal are requested to comply with the G.O No. 4905-F(Y) dated-17.9.14; FS-173/2014 dated- 30.10.14 and 1179-F(Y) dated- 25.2.15 regarding implementation of e-Pradan of IFMS (e-Payment). E-Pradan is going to be implemented with effect from 1.4.2015. All the Govt/ Govt. aided/ sponsored Colleges drawing funds/ salary/ Grant-in-aids are also required to implement the provision of e-pradan module which is mandatory from 1.4.2015. They have to acquire digital signature certificate and also to contact the concerned Treasuries/ PAOs for necessary training in this regard.

All the College Authorities are requested to submit the following data within 25.3.2015 positively to the E-mail address: drmsrahman139@gmail.com

  1. Name of the College & District
  2. Name of the DDO, mobile no. of the DDO & E-mail no.
  3. DDO code no.
  4. Whether Digital signature certificate obtained. If not the date by which it is expected to be obtained.
  5. Whether training regarding e-Pradan from respective Treasury performed. If not the reason.

Sd/- Director of Public Instruction
Govt. of West Bengal

No. 3835 dated 18.03.2015

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