
Easy Movement of Goods and Passenger Vehicles at Bordering Areas


No parking area can be used on commercial basis on any land within 15 (fifteen) kilometers from the zero point of International Border without prior permission of Transport Department.

Government of West Bengal
Transport Department
12, R.N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata: 700001

No. 358-WT/TPT-18/1/2022 Dated, the 7th February, 2022.


Whereas it is being reported that the bordering areas in the state of West Bengal are facing traffic congestions due to unsystematic and unrationalised parking of vehicles carrying export cargo on the motorable roads owned and maintained by the local bodies/ parastatals, and

Whereas it has been reported that due to unorganized manner of parking, the local residents are affected due to some practical issues related to their safety and security etc., and

Whereas it has also been reported that records of the vehicles coming, halting and leaving the International Border through the Check Posts, are not maintained as per expectation, and

Whereas the local/ development authorities, who are at present in possession of such parking areas have already handed over the land and related existing infrastructure to the Government of West Bengal in the Transport Department for better operation, management and functioning of parking facilities near the International Check Posts/ Land Ports, and

Whereas it has already been decided by the Government of West Bengal to control, maintain and supervise all such Parking facilities by providing all necessary infrastructural facilities through engagement of Government officials etc. to ease movement of goods and passenger vehicles at bordering areas in the public interest,

So, in exercise of power conferred under sub-section 2 of Section 138 of M.V. Act, 1988, as amended, it is ordered that:

1. The land and all other infrastructure of already handed over parking areas maintained by the local bodies/ parastatals will immediately be taken over by the Transport Department at all the International Borders in phases after observing legal formalities.

2. No parking area can be used on commercial basis on any land within 15 (fifteen) kilometers from the zero point of International Border without prior permission of Transport Department or specifically ordered by the District Magistrate for a temporary period, after taking necessary concurrence of the Transport Department.

3. Other Government Departments/ Agencies/ Local Bodies will restrain themselves from letting out parking space (within the specified area) without prior approval of the Transport Department.

4. Fees for parking will be charged as appended in the table below:

Sl NoType of vehicleAmount chargeable for 24 hours of parking or part thereof (rupees)Amount chargeable beyond 24 hours of parking (rupees)
1Vehicles upto 3,000 kgs GVW15010 per hour or part thereof
2GVW from 3,001 kgs to 7,500 kgs20020 per hour or part thereof
3GVW from 7,501 kgs to 16,500 kgs30030 per hour or part thereof
4GVW from 16,501 kgs to 35,200 kgs35040 per hour or part thereof
5GVW above 35,200 kgs and Articulated trailers40050 per hour or part thereof

5. Security arrangements in this regard shall be made by the Superintendents of Police in their respective jurisdictions.

6. The fees so collected shall be deposited to the Government exchequer through GRIPS in the appropriate head of accounts opened Vide U.O. No. 5618 dated 01.02.2022 of Group N of the Finance Department for this purpose, i.e.,

i. 1055-Road Transport-00-501-Services and Service fees-001-Receipt from Parking Complexes-16-Other fees

ii. 1055-Road Transport-00-501-Services and Service fees-001-Receipt from Parking Complexes-27-Other receipts

7. For speedy implementation and smooth functioning of the management of such parking places, Transport Department has been authorized by the Finance Department to open one Bank Account in any Nationalized Bank for each International Check Post, where parking management will be taken over, vide memo No. 400-F(Y) dated 04.02.2022 of the Finance Department (Audit Branch). Necessary Ledger, Cash Book to be maintained properly by the concerned ARTOs.

The respective District Magistrates are allowed to open such Account and necessary SBMS entry should be done on post facto basis, after opening such account.

8. The RTOs/ ARTOs with the assistance of the MVIs will monitor the entire process with the help of the local police under overall charge of the District Magistrates concerned.

This order is issued with concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O. No. Group R/2021-2022/0242 dated 07.02.2022 in the interest of public service and will take immediate effect.

Sd/- Rajesh Kumar Sinha
Principal Secretary

No. 358-WT dated 07.02.2022, Source

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